El Tall, Parc Rural del Montserrat. PATXI URIZ | DIPUTACIÓ DE BARCELONA

El Tall kicks off the training season with strength

The butchering facility of the Montserrat Rural Park starts autumn with a new meat handling course for shepherds and farmers.

El Tall, the butchering facility of Montserrat Rural Park, kicks off the training season with a new meat handling course. Specifically aimed at shepherds and farmers interested in direct meat sales, the training aims to improve the economic viability of farms and contribute to the agricultural revitalization of the area.

The new course will consist of seven sessions to be held between September 14th and November 2nd at the training butchering facility promoted by the Montserrat Rural Park and the Association of Rural Initiatives of Catalonia (ARCA) thanks to the BCN Smart Rural, a European project led by the Barcelona Provincial Council. The space is located in Marganell and has cost about 100,000 euros, which have been co-financed by the Barcelona Provincial Council and FEDER funds.

The first training day will be conducted by Maria Josep Gispert, an expert in Public Health, and will focus on aspects related to hygiene and handling in the meat industry. The second and third sessions will address meat packaging and preservation, as well as beef maturation processes, and will be taught by Elsa Lloret and Núria Panella, two experts from the Institute of Agrifood Research and Technology (IRTA). The fourth day of the course will take place in early October and will be conducted by Cesc and Montse Ribalta, from Ribalta Butchers, and Agustí Quintana, a technician from IRTA, allowing attendees to practice with the saw. These professionals will also be responsible for the last three sessions of the course, during which they will teach how to butcher and prepare beef, lamb, goat, and chicken.

For more information about the Montserrat Rural Park butchery facility and its training program, please contact Marta Martínez, territorial engineer and the person in charge of the facility.


— BCN Smart Rural Editorial —

El Tall, Parc Rural del Montserrat. PATXI URIZ | DIPUTACIÓ DE BARCELONA
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