El Tall, Parc Rural del Montserrat. PATXI URIZ | DIPUTACIÓ DE BARCELONA
Detail of the mural painting at the butchery workshop, Montserrat Rural Park. PATXI URIZ | BARCELONA PROVINCIAL COUNCIL

Nirvana Jiménez adds color and warmth to the Montserrat Rural Park meat-cutting facility

The artist has created mural paintings for a butchery workshop designed to welcome the new generation of shepherds and farmers in the area.

El Tall, the brand-new meat-cutting facility room at the Montserrat Rural Park, has recently been adorned with mural paintings by illustrator Nirvana Jiménez (Maià de Montcal, 1986). With her unique and sensitive style, Jiménez has depicted various scenes of extensive livestock farming on the exterior walls of the facility. The result is a modern, creative, and vibrant mural, perfect for welcoming the new generation of shepherds and farmers in the region.

“Young people involved in extensive livestock farming are very free and dignified individuals. This freedom and dignity have enriched my creative process,” explained the Girona-based illustrator, who is interested in visual storytelling that highlights empowerment, overcoming challenges, and resilience.

The artwork, covering approximately 50 square metres, has been well received by local farmers and shepherds, who appreciate this initiative to increase the visibility of shared workshops and enhance them as spaces for energising agricultural and livestock activities.


A pioneering facility in Catalonia

El Tall is a new and pioneering facility in Catalonia that combines training and meat processing services within a single building. Located in Marganell, the facility cost around 100,000 euros, co-financed by the Diputación de Barcelona and the FEDER funds as part of BCN Smart Rural. In addition to the butchery room, the project is also supporting the development of four other shared food-processing workshops in the Barcelona region: the Lluçanès cheese dairy, the Bages vegetable processing facility, the modular abattoir in Moianès, and the Central Catalonia mobile abattoir.

For more information on the BCN Smart Rural strategy, please contact bcnsmartrural@diba.cat.


— BCN Smart Rural Editorial —

El Tall comença amb força la temporada de formació
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