Sustainable Food


We talk to the director of Can Serrat, a space for coexistence and co-working in an old renovated farmhouse in El Bruc.


n the province of Barcelona, there are currently 362 beekeeping operations, representing 32% of honey producers in Catalonia.


The continued growth of organic agricultural production in Catalonia is one of the prominent themes in the new BCN Smart Rural Press Digest.


In the province of Barcelona, 15% of cultivated land is organic. On International Earth Day, we present three farmers who are convinced of the importance of practising agriculture…


The resident of Igualada holds a doctorate in biology and serves as the president of Eixarcolant, a cooperative entity working towards the recovery of traditional agricultural…


The new agri-food cooperatives premiere the first season of a series created to give voice to the individuals leading the way towards a healthier and more sustainable agri-food…


The short film 'Calm Strength' premieres the first season of a series created to give voice to the individuals leading the way towards a healthier and more sustainable agri-food…


In the Barcelona region, only 25% of agricultural holdings are managed by women. This is a reality that needs to be transformed if we want to achieve a more sustainable, local,…


The initiative, spearheaded by the Barcelona Provincial Council, is a key tool for providing access to land for young agricultural entrepreneurs and has the support of XaSACC and…