Network for Food Sovereignty of Catalonia Central
The Network for Food Sovereignty of Catalonia Central (XaSACC) is a meeting place made up of municipal and supra-municipal entities, agroecological projects, training and research centers on agroecology and food and associations linked to food sovereignty and committed to the right to food and the promotion and support of local economies.
To implement local food policies, several town councils in central Catalonia realized that working solely at the municipal level was, in many ways, insufficient. Thus, the XaSACC is considered as a tool to channel the interests of all those experiences of the territory that share many of the difficulties that people face on a day-to-day basis, aware of the need to take advantage of the "cultivation broth " existing favorable to generating a network, carrying out transformative projects jointly and betting on consolidating cooperative work and the empowerment of the population, tools that are defined as indispensable to implement real changes in order to move towards a society responsible in which the use of resources is consistent for each territorial context.
The objectives of the XaSACC are the following:
- Promote agroecology and food sovereignty to implement and consolidate agroecological production in the territory.
- Promote agroecological consumption practices and social economy, including distribution.
- Promote social transformation by disseminating experiences and tools to raise awareness of food sovereignty and advance in this regard.
- Act as an interest group and create a political advocacy platform to give impetus to the implementation of public policies in favor of food sovereignty and agroecology.
- Support the movement for food sovereignty and strengthen it while looking for synergies and points of convergence between the various entities of the central Catalonia, sharing resources and becoming a space for exchange, debate and action.
- The XaSACC will have to promote the development of more detailed studies.
- It is important to collaborate when looking for solutions and share the progress obtained as proposed by the XaSACC, thus taking advantage of the innovative responses of the various municipalities to, subsequently, generate transformations in the rest of the region.
- The pilot projects require continuity over time in order to reach the established goals.
- Over time, the XaSACC must manage to gather as much support as possible to become a consolidated interest group and thus have more negotiating power in terms of territory when promoting public policies in favor of food sovereignty and agroecology.
- The capacity for political advocacy will depend to a large extent on the ability of the XaSACC to convey to the public the importance of the social, economic and environmental implications of the food system beyond changes in political color. At the same time, it will have to develop a control function to prevent the integration of agroecology in the municipal discourse from losing its most transformative component in an attempt to satisfy the political and economic interests arising from the current model.
- The consolidation of the XaSACC will help combat another of the great gaps identified, such as the lack of financial and human resources dedicated to policies of this nature in the local sphere, which will allow the development of more structured and operational projects that leave behind the administrative precariousness.
The XaSACC is financed from grants per project.
Annual budget: 40,000 euros.