Paisatge en mosaic a Moià. PATXI URIZ | DIPUTACIÓ DE BARCELONA

BCN Smart Rural brings the agri-food debate to Bages and Moianès in a new participatory webinar

The central goal of the May 7th workshop is to discuss with the territory's experts how to improve their agri-food systems.

BCN Smart Rural, a project led by the Barcelona Provincial Council of and co-financed by the European Union with FEDER funds, continues with its territorial debates on sustainable agri-food systems. Next Friday, May 7, the corporation will organize the fifth competitive creativity webinar, this time with mayors, councillors, technicians and experts in agricultural development from the Bages and Moianès counties.

This meeting, held in a telematic format, will provide the participants with the opportunity to share their vision for the future of agricultural and food systems in their regions. The day will focus on analyzing the main characteristics of the agri-food sector in Central Catalonia, and subsequently, participants will be invited to debate the key issues for the 2030-2050 horizon.

The topics that will be discussed during the session include how to facilitate generational succession and access to land, increase the value of local agricultural products, reduce emissions from food production and transport, as well as promote the sale and consumption of local food in schools, restaurants and other areas.

The contributions, strategies and action proposals resulting from this meeting will be collected in a new digital platform that is being developed by the Barcelona Provincial Council. This initiative will serve to respond to the needs and challenges identified in the different territories, promoting the creation of adapted and sustainable solutions for local food systems.

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