Lettuce cultivation in Lower Tordera Agrarian Space. PATXI URIZ | BARCELONA PROVINCIAL COUNCIL

Food Self-Sufficiency

Are there enough agricultural lands in Barcelona municipalities to provide local food for their population? Let's find out!


Source: Own research based on data from SIGPAC, the DUN crop map, IDESCAT, and other sources. (2021)

To determine food self-sufficiency, we have calculated the surfaces of available crops and pastures, and compared them with the required surfaces based on per capita consumption of different food groups and the population of each municipality.

Methodological note

We obtained data on available crop surfaces from the 2021 Geographical Information System of the Common Agrarian Policy (SIGPAC). We then transformed all compatible uses into the crop map of the Agrarian Declaration DUN that coincided geographically with the field group of the SIGPAC (according to table 1). From the resulting table with the crop groups (Table 2), we decided whether a rainfed or irrigated yield should be applied based on the percentage of each type of crop. If the dry percentage exceeded 80%, a dry yield was applied.

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