Proximity Sales


The agrarian space emphasizes the importance of collective agri-food transformation facilities to boost the primary sector and value local food in its presentation video.


The initiative is a significant step towards boosting the sale of locally grown and processed products.


El Tros d’Ordal (The Ordal Patch), located in the county of Alt Penedès, came into being in 2012, when Àgueda Ortiz and David Casas created a small vegetable garden in the village…


Ricard Huguet has been running L’Horta de les Casetes, a one-hectare organic vegetable garden in Sant Pere de Ribes (Garraf), for 12 years. The land is leased. Ricard owns two…


La sínia Pujadas is a family vegetable farming business located in Vilanova i la Geltrú, within the Garraf Natural Park. One of its driving forces is Montse Marcé, who comes from…


The fair, which started in June to promote the foods of the Montserrat Rural Park, has now become the main gastronomic event in the region.


The butchering facility of the Montserrat Rural Park starts autumn with a new meat handling course for shepherds and farmers.


BCN Smart Rural organizes a new webinar on competitive creativity with mayors, councillors, technicians, and experts in agricultural development from Bages and Moianès counties.