Origin Market of the Montserrat Rural Park. PATXI URIZ | BARCELONA PROVINCIAL COUNCIL

The Origin Markets of the Montserrat Rural Park will expand to seven new locations

The initiative is a significant step towards boosting the sale of locally grown and processed products.

During the annual assembly of the Montserrat Rural Park Association, held yesterday in Sant Salvador de Guardiola, a decision was made to expand the Origin Markets significantly. Starting in September, these markets, previously held alternately in Bruc and Olesa de Montserrat as a pilot test, will now be held in seven new localities within the park. After the summer and throughout 2025, visitors will be able to enjoy the Origin Markets in Esparreguera, Abrera, Piera, Sant Vicenç de Castellet, Collbató, Vacarisses and Ullastrell, in addition to Bruc and Olesa de Montserrat.

The assembly addressed market expansion and evaluated progress from the past year, as well as approved the annual accounts. Additionally, a new four-year framework agreement was formalized between the Montserrat Rural Park Association and the Barcelona Provincial Council. This agreement will provide ongoing technical and financial support to the project.

Another crucial decision at the meeting was the determination to permanently establish the Montserrat Rural Park technical office in Olesa de Montserrat, still awaiting ratification by the Olesa council.

The assembly was attended by a diverse range of local councils, including Collbató, Hostalets de Pierola, El Bruc, Abrera, Olesa de Montserrat, Ullastrell, Sant Salvador de Guardiola, Vacarisses, Esparreguera, Monistrol de Montserrat, and Castellolí. Additionally, technicians from the Barcelona Provincial Council and the County Council from Bages participated.

The Montserrat Rural Park is designed to protect and restore agricultural land, honor the profession of farming, and promote local products under the 'Montserrat' brand. It continues to be an important tool for preserving the natural, scenic, and cultural values of the region.

With this expansion of the Origin Markets, it is hoped not only to strengthen the local economy but also to further spread the distinctive features and products of Montserrat Rural Park among residents and visitors.

Sònia Callau, the head of the Barcelona Provincial Council's Territorial Agrarian Directorate, stated that «the expansion of the Origin Markets to seven new locations reflects the ongoing commitment of the municipalities within the Montserrat Rural Park. They are dedicated to promoting local products, preserving natural heritage, and supporting rural communities. This initiative aims to strengthen the identity and economy of the region».  

For more details about Montserrat Rural Park, please contact the engineer Marta Martínez.

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