Resum de Premsa BCN Smart Rural – De l’1 de febrer al 7 de març de 2023

BCN Smart Rural Press Digest — From 3rd to 31st August 2023

The inauguration in Osona of the first agrarian testing space in Catalonia is one of the topics highlighted in the new BCN Smart Rural Press Digest.




Osona hosts the first agrarian testing space in Catalonia

Abril Ibáñez is the young entrepreneur selected to develop her livestock project in the Ges, Orís and Bisaura Valley Testing Space, a pioneering initiative that seeks to promote animal-rearing activity in the area. The inaugurated experimental space is located on the Casanova farm in Sora (Osona) and represents the first of its kind in Catalonia, since, until now, the experimental spaces created in the Catalan territory focused exclusively on agriculture.

The Ges, Orís and Bisaura Valley Testing Space is fully equipped for the development of animal rearing, including a paddock, milkers, a refrigerated tank, water, electricity and a herd of 40 alpine goats. The infrastructure has been possible thanks to the BCN Smart Rura project, whose total cost of €35,000 has been co-financed by the Barcelona Provincial Council, the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF) of the European Union and the Catalonian Association for Rural Initiatives (ARCA). In addition, CaixaBank's Social Projects has fully assumed the €10,000 from the herd.

This initiative aims to provide support and resources to entrepreneurs like Abril to reduce the complexity and risk of starting a project in the primary sector. The young woman plans to combine her activity in the testing space with her studies in Livestock and Animal Health Assistance that she is studying at the Joviat School in Manresa, demonstrating a clear determination to strengthen the future of the agricultural sector in the Ges, Orís and Bisaura Valley.

The featured news article is available at this link.



More agri-food news

#Agrarian parks


The value of the land

Administrations and peasants have united in the north of Maresme and La Selva with the ambitious project of the Espai Agrari de la Baixa Tordera. The preservation of the territory, the cultivation and promotion of local products and the guarantee of a generational change in the sector are the main challenges for the future.

(El Punt Avui)


#Grazed forests


Horses and goats graze in the Torres forests to improve their management

This family winery collaborates with goat herders and the Forest Horses association for forest restoration.



#Generational renewal


«I make cheese to continue a family business that I love»

The sector trusts that the younger generations will take over to guarantee the future of artisanal cottage cheese production in the Montserrat Rural Park.

(Region 7)


#Agri-food products from the territory


The typical products of Vallès Occidental that you should try at least once in your life

A compilation of the most unique and highest quality foods in our region.

(Digital was born)


#Agri-food transformation


The Vilafranca winery nursery is now operational and serves 7 young people from Penedès

The first grapes of this harvest have already begun to enter the nursery. From now on, users will be able to carry out the winemaking process, from the entry of the grapes to the bottling of the wine, warehouse spaces and multipurpose spaces.

(El Cargol)


#Food waste


Fields plowed against food waste

By recovering products discarded by agricultural activity, the gleaners foundation denounces the unsustainability of the industrial production model.





Marta Casas: «I am completely happy to have come this far»

With a long winemaking history, the Parés Baltà winery has chosen to focus on the creation of organic and biodynamic wines and cavas. We spoke with Marta Casas, who joined the team in 2002 and who demonstrates an unquestionable passion for cultivation practices derived from anthroposophy.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Marta Palomas: "We are changing the agri-food model"

After studying Agricultural Engineering, this member of the Eixarcolant collective worked as a draftsman until she realized that what she really wanted to do was cultivate an organic garden.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Miquel Riera: «To be a farmer, you must have the desire to work and the enthusiasm to start a project»

In Palafolls, in the heart of the Maresme, we find l'Horta Pla de Munt, a family-run agricultural project that stands out for its organic production.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Iñigo Haughey: «I like the magic of creating a product that comes from the earth»

L'Olivera is a social integration cooperative that produces the only wine in the city of Barcelona. We meet the production manager of the project, a local entrepreneur passionate about viticulture.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Joan Casajoana: «The beans from Castellfollit del Boix have been cultivating for more than 350 years»

Joan Casajoana, from Can Fontanelles, is a farmer and bean producer from Castellfollit del Boix. The family farm has a large area of forests, pastures, cereal crops, almond trees, olive trees, vineyards and for more than 350 years the famous beans in the area have been grown.

(Montserrat Rural Park)


— BCN Smart Rural Editorial —

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