

The exhibition hall of the corporation's headquarters hosts the photographic exhibition 'Farming Barcelona' until 3rd October 


In a significant collaborative effort, the corporation is spearheading a comprehensive initiative for the restoration of the agroforestry landscape and fire prevention. A total of…


The inauguration in Osona of the first agrarian testing space in Catalonia is one of the topics highlighted in the new BCN Smart Rural Press Digest. 


The delivery of troughs to enhance extensive livestock farming and prevent wildfires is highlighted in the new BCN Smart Rural Press Digest.


This initiative, based in the Ges, Orís, and Bisaura Valley, supports young people entering the primary sector and has been developed under the BCN Smart Rural programme.


The initiative led by Barcelona Provincial Council advances in its goal to restore a mosaic landscape rich in biodiversity.


Livestock farmer Xavier Quirante, the beneficiary of the first pilot test to control herds via mobile phone and eliminate electric fences, has been awarded as a finalist in the…


Two solutions that will revolutionize animal welfare and the extensive livestock sector are mobile abattoirs and invisible enclosures.


Two solutions that will revolutionize animal welfare and the extensive livestock sector are mobile abattoirs and invisible enclosures.