Osona hosts Catalonia’s first livestock testing space

This initiative, based in the Ges, Orís, and Bisaura Valley, supports young people entering the primary sector and has been developed under the BCN Smart Rural programme.

Abril Ibáñez, a young entrepreneur, has been selected to develop her livestock project at the Testing Space in the Valle del Ges, Orís, and Bisaura. This pioneering initiative aims to boost agricultural activity in the area. The newly inaugurated testing space is located at the Casanova de Sora estate (Osona) and is the first of its kind in Catalonia, as previous testing spaces in the region have focused exclusively on the agricultural sector.

The Testing Space in the Valle del Ges, Orís, and Bisaura is fully equipped for livestock activity, featuring a corral, milking machines, a refrigerated milk tank, water, electricity, and a herd of 40 Alpine goats. This infrastructure has been made possible through the BCN Smart Rural project, with a total investment of €35,000, co-financed by the Barcelona Provincial Council, the European Union's European Regional Development Fund (ERDF), and the Rural Initiatives Association of Catalonia (ARCA). Additionally, CaixaBank's Social Work has fully covered the €10,000 cost of the goat herd.

The aim of this initiative is to provide support and resources to entrepreneurs like Abril, helping reduce the complexity and risks associated with starting a project in the primary sector. Abril plans to combine her work in the testing space with her studies in Livestock Farming and Animal Health Assistance at the Joviat School in Manresa, showing a clear determination to strengthen the future of the agricultural sector in the Ges, Orís, and Bisaura Valley.


A space to test livestock projects  

The Testing Space in the Ges, Orís, and Bisaura Valley consists of two sites: the one already operating at the La Casanova de Sora estate and another under construction at the Casanova del Cullell in Sant Pere de Torelló. This initiative aims to stimulate livestock activity in Osona by offering young entrepreneurs and agricultural professionals the chance to trial their projects with support from various local entities. The testing space is governed by nine local organisations, including the Leader Ripollès Ges Bisaura Association, ARCA, the estate owners, the Bellmunt Mountain Forest Owners Association, the Valle del Ges, Orís, and Bisaura Consortium, the Sant Pere de Torelló Town Council, the Torelló Agricultural Cooperative, and Creacció, the agency for entrepreneurship, innovation, and knowledge for the socio-economic development of Osona.

The initiative seeks to promote the sustainable development of the livestock sector in the Ges, Orís, and Bisaura Valley, while providing support to young entrepreneurs. Encouraging the creation and economic viability of new extensive livestock businesses is crucial for the area, not only supplying high-quality meat and dairy products to the population but also contributing to landscape preservation and reducing the risk of major forest fires.

With the launch of the Testing Space in the Ges, Orís, and Bisaura Valley, a new era of opportunities begins for entrepreneurs and professionals in the sector, fostering innovation and growth in the region’s livestock and agricultural industries.

For more information about this initiative, please contact Laura Megias, ARCA technician.


— BCN Smart Rural Editorial —

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