Success of the first microcourse for agricultural entrepreneurs in the province of Barcelona

Organized by the Montserrat Rural Park Land Bank, the training has established the foundations for the attendees to begin cultivating an organic vegetable garden.

This past weekend, the first microcourse for agricultural entrepreneurs in the province of Barcelona took place in person. Organised by the Land Bank of Montserrat Rural Park, the course was aimed at both young people looking to enter the agricultural sector and active farmers interested in transitioning to organic farming.

This initial training session, which lasted a total of six hours divided into two days, laid the groundwork for attendees to start an organic vegetable garden. The first part of the course was held at the Plenary Hall of the Bruc Town Hall and was led by Carmen Biel, a researcher from IRTA. Biel covered key topics such as initial financial investments, necessary machinery, plantation design, fertilisation, and pest and disease control in organic vegetable production.

On the second day, participants visited Hort del Puig, an agroecological farm in Castellbell and el Vilar. Nil Puig, the project manager, shared his story and the process of setting up the business, as well as offering technical insights into organic vegetable cultivation.

The course concluded with a lunch featuring local and regional products. Besides enjoying the meal, participants had the opportunity to network and share their experiences in organic farming.


Ongoing training offer

The training offer from the Bank of Lands of the Montserrat Rural Park continues with a new microcourse taking place in Piera on 5th and 6th November. This course will focus on the organic cultivation of nuts and olives, and will include a visit to a local company that produces organic olive oil. To participate, registration is required here.

These training sessions are part of BCN Smart Rural, the strategy of the Diputació de Barcelona to transform the agro-food sector in the region, and are co-financed by the European Union through the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). The goal of the Bank of Lands of the Montserrat Rural Park is to connect owners of abandoned or unused land with individuals interested in cultivating it, providing the necessary technical and legal support for both parties.

For more information about the Bank of Lands of the Montserrat Rural Park, please contact Pere Navarro and Marta Martínez, territorial engineers for the BCN Smart Rural strategy.


— BCN Smart Rural Editorial —

Formació al Parc Rural del Montserrat. PERE NAVARRO | DIPUTACIÓ DE BARCELONA
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