BCN Smart Rural Press Digest – From 3rd May to 8th June, 2022

The introduction of virtual locks to control herds extensively is one of the highlights in the new BCN Smart Rural Press Digest.



Virtual enclosures are revolutionizing traditional grazing

An Osona farm has just launched an innovative herd control system that is called to be the future of extensive grazing. As part of the BCN Smart Rural strategy, the program consists of putting geolocation collars on the animals and defining the grazing area with virtual fences that are drawn with the mobile phone. If the animal approaches the coordinates marked on the virtual map, the collar it is wearing activates and emits a distinctive sound that warns it not to continue moving forward. If the animal ignores the warning and continues on, the sound is reinforced with a small electrical impulse that invites it to stop. The intensity of the discharge is harmless and always lower than what the animal would receive if it were encircled with electric wire.

This remote grazing solution eliminates the need for physical fences and allows shepherds and ranchers to monitor animals from their mobile phones. But in addition to facilitating the farmer's work and making it more efficient, the application places great emphasis on ensuring the well-being of the animals. Extensive livestock management through virtual enclosures also helps ranchers to do more sustainable forest management, as animals can reach more corners, reducing the fuel load on forests.

More information in this link.



More agri-food news


#Protected agricultural areas


Agriculture, livestock farming and islands of tranquility, the bet of the Collserola Natural Park

The new Special Protection Plan changes the concept of the park and will encourage human activities that favor the diversity of landscapes.



Five towns and the Berguedà Council are developing a protected park in the north of Berga

With the creation of this space, the aim is to make the protection of flora and fauna compatible with agriculture and livestock farming.

(Regió 7)


The farmers of Collserola will receive a «compensación» of 3,000 euros for their service to the ecosystem

The Collserola Agricultural Contract aims to claim the impact that agricultural activity brings to the Park.

(Nació Digital)


#Agriculture and nature


Regenerative agriculture: the face and the cross of a climate antidote

Converting all of the world's farmland and grasslands to the regenerative organic farming model would sequester more than 100% of current annual CO2 emissions.



Agriculture rooted in Collserola

The recovery of the agroforestry mosaic in the metropolitan mountain range of Barcelona improves the local food system, the quality of ecosystems and is a vital element in fire prevention.



Planting wildflowers between crops helps fight pests

IRTA tests the effectiveness of chamomile, calendula, chard and arugula in attracting pollinators and predatory insects.



#Livestock Farming and nature


The process of awarding special uses of pastures in public farms in several parks of the Natural Parks Network is open

The duration of the concessions is four years and the period to apply for them ends on June 16.



Barcelona wants to incorporate one more herd and expand the pasture next season

The promoters value the pilot test very positively and the intention is that from November 2022 to June 2023 there will be two shepherds working with their cattle.



3 beekeepers who understand the value of bees

In the province of Barcelona, there are currently 362 bee farms, which represents 32% of the honey producers in Catalonia.

(BCN Smart Rural)


#Managed forests


Edited a guide on local policies and forest management in peri-urban forests

The guide Local policies, climate change and forest management in peri-urban forests: a necessary integration has been published, a document that aims to establish bridges between local policies, the management and conservation of forest services and values, especially those located in peri-urban areas.

(Barcelona Provincial Council)


#Sustainable food systems


Barcelonès is the county with more cooperatives and agri-food associations

Of the 146 initiatives in province, 44 are concentrated in the city of Barcelona and its surroundings. Of these, 77% are driven by consumer groups.

(BCN Smart Rural)


#Generational Renewal


Why being young and a farmer is an (almost) impossible mission

Graphs and data that explain the causes of the lack of relief in Catalan farming: only 9.5% of farmers are young and, on the contrary, 66% are already over 55 years old.



#Proximity agri-food processing


The management of Manresa's first shared public garden workshop is awarded

The cooperative l'Obradora de la Catalonia Central will manage it.

(Regió 7)


#Trade local and nearby


Small producers from Osona and Bages join forces to preserve the primary sector

They have created the 'Make it easy' project to make things like distribution, production, or marketing profitable.

(El Periódico)


The farmer's market comes to Bruc

After the success of the first edition of the farmer's market in Olesa de Montserrat , held on May 7, the Rural Park will organize another in a similar format in the municipality of Bruc to continue contributing to the promotion of direct sales by of producers and processors in the area. It will be Sunday, June 12.

(Montserrat Rural Park)


#Waste and food waste


A study shows that food waste is much lower in agro-shops and agricultural cooperatives

Among the causes are a greater environmental awareness among the customers of agrishops and cooperatives, and a closer relationship between buyers and sellers, which encourage seasonal and local consumption.

(Territori Rural)


Pickers: A second chance for every harvest

Recovering a millennial activity to fight against food waste and guaranteeing the right to healthy food are two of the main objectives of the Espigoladors Foundation.

(Lower Tordera Agrarian Space)




Rupit's Farmlab, the rural space with the most technology in Catalonia

Its objective is to promote the development of the rural world at the same level as that of the cities and to promote the balance of the territory.



#Agro-food training


Minister Jordà announces the creation of a new agricultural school dedicated to horticulture and new technologies in Cabrils

The new training courses for the Higher Degree in Landscape and Rural Environment will also be created in Manresa.

(Government of Catalonia)


#Agrifood marketing


Regenerative viticulture will be certified with a new seal

The Association of Regenerative Viticulture made this announcement during the celebration of the second symposium dedicated to this viticultural practice.



The oldest wine label in Catalonia is from Malvasia de Sitges

It is a discovery of a recent research and brings a new value to the relevant weight that the wine of Sitges had in Catalonia.





Nirvana Jiménez brings color and warmth to the Montserrat Rural Park scrap room

The artist has created the mural paintings of a workshop born to welcome the new generation of shepherds and ranchers in the territory.

(BCN Smart Rural)


The itinerant exhibition of Montserrat Rural Park, underway

The exhibition consists of 20 panels and could be seen for the first time last May 7 in Olesa de Montserrat, as part of the first edition of the Parc Market.

(Montserrat Rural Park)


'Alcarràs' seen through the eyes of farmers

Unió de Pagesos analyzes the situation in Penedès based on the reflections raised by Carla Simón's film.



A Dutch couple is recovering a farmhouse in the Maresme where they will combine wine and culture

Can Fàbregas, in Tiana, has become Can Reon to offer a concert space, a restaurant and a small hotel, as well as a wine born from vines almost a century old.



#Rural world


Green light on the Rural Agenda of Catalonia

The starting point is given to this project which must identify and solve the main problems of the Catalan rural environment.



#Agrarian alerts


Agricultural engineers and economists claim not to lose more agricultural land to install photovoltaic panels

The College of Agricultural Engineers and the College of Economists of Catalonia, among others, have signed a joint manifesto in which they claim not to lose more agricultural land for the installation of photovoltaic energy and regret the "lack of foresight, planning and capacity" of public administrations to deal with the energy transition.

(La Vanguardia)


The possible modernization of Lower Llobregat Agrarian Park is divisive

Farmers and ecologists are very critical of the proposal by the town councils of Gavà, Sant Boi and Viladecans to create an agricultural hub there.

(Línia Xarxa)


The farmers of Mataró, unhappy with the lack of action in the agricultural area by City Council

They demand an end to illegal dumping, among other problems.

(Territori Rural)




Begoña García: "The important thing about a coworking is not the physical space, but its community"

This graduate in Education Sciences is the current manager of the Intercountyl Socioeconomic Initiatives Consortium and main promoter of Cowocat Rural, a cooperation project in which the 11 Local Action Groups of Catalonia participate.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Natxo Tarrés: "The transformation movements must be initiated by the people: the politicians are behind them"

The musician who led the rock group Gossos for many years invites us to meet Irehom, a shared work space he co-founded in the Montserrat massif.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Sophie Blais: «Arriving in Can Serrat is a change of rhythm»

We talk to the director of Can Serrat, a space for coexistence and co-working in an old restored farmhouse in El Bruc.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Oriol Estela: "A well-done metropolis reconnects the city with its rural and natural environment"

The coordinator of the Metropolitan Strategic Plan of Barcelona talks about the future of the metropolitan region of Barcelona.

(Via Empresa)


Joan Carulla: "The plants vibrate positively and, if you are close to them, you feel good"

Having just turned 99, this farmer from the Horta-Guinardó neighborhood explains how he came to be a pioneer of urban gardens and environmentalism in Barcelona.



Fran Garcia: "Precision agriculture treats crops like the grandparents did, but with technology"

This member of the Agriculture 4.0 working group of the College of Agricultural Engineers of Catalonia talks about reconnaissance drones, satellite images, leaf-shaped sensors or remote product dispensers in this interview.



Raul Broto: "We promote biodiversity to combat pests and bring nature closer to the city"

The councilor for environmental justice, energy transition and ecology of Mollet del Vallès wants to recover the agricultural values that have traditionally covered the landscape.



Marta G. Rivera Ferre: "If you don't want to eat meat, perfect, but don't mess with the farmers"

The expert in food systems has a long academic career that does not prevent her from being clear and direct in her criticism of Mercabarna, large supermarkets or veganism.



Israel Rodríguez: "With pasture you don't prevent a fire, but you do reduce the damage it can cause"

Israel Rodríguez trained in audiovisual production, but since the age of 27 he has been working as a shepherd in Esparreguera. For a month, he has been in Collbató, where an opportunity has arisen for him to work as a rancher.

(Montserrat Rural Park)


Carles Castell: "We must have extensive livestock farming throughout the Pre-Pyrenees"

In this interview, the person responsible for monitoring environmental programs and actions in the Climate Action Area of Barcelona Provincial Council talks about agricultural and livestock practices that protect biodiversity, among other topics.



Raimon Roda: "The manager is neither the sheriff nor the mayor of Collserola"

Interview with the new manager of the Collserola Natural Park Consortium about the challenges and duties of the natural environment.

(Nació Digital)




Time of peasant revolt

The rural activist, Vanesa Freixa, asks to rethink the economic and political system in order to give the peasantry the care it deserves.

(La Conca 5.1)


Promote agroecology and nature conservation

Nora Maristany, from the Nature Conservation Network, defends the benefits of making agricultural activity compatible with the preservation of ecosystems.



Time for the brave

Veterinarian Emma Puigcorbé warns in this article that the survival of the dairy cattle sector in Catalonia is already, more than a challenge, a need for the country because of all that would entail its disappearance.

(La Conca 5.1)


— BCN Smart Rural Editorial —

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