Mas Joanet de Pujols. FOTO: CEDIDA
Fields of Mas Joanet de Pujols, in Sant Vicenç de Torelló. PHOTO: PROVIDED

Mas Joanet de Pujols wins the BCN Smart Rural Innovation Contest

With the awarding of this prize, the Barcelona Provincial Council continues to encourage the transformation of agri-food and forestry micro-enterprises in Central Catalonia.

Mas Joanet de Pujols is the winning farm of the BCN Smart Rural Innovation Contest, the award for micro-enterprises in the agri-food and forestry sector of Central Catalonia co-financed by the Barcelona Provincial Council and FEDER funds. The award consists of a financial award of 2,710 euros for the hiring of an advisory service that helps the beneficiary company make its idea of transformation and improvement a reality.

The contest received three applications, which were evaluated by a jury made up of Albert Puigvert, manager of ARCA; Àngels Guiteras, manager of the Leader del Ripollès group; Josep Maria Martí, head of the Rural Programming and Dynamization Service of the Generalitat of Catalonia; and Sònia Callau, head of the Agrarian Territorial Directorate of the Barcelona Provincial Council. Meeting in a telematic format, the jury has decided to award the prize to Mas Joanet de Pujols, a micro-enterprise from Sant Vicenç de Torelló that is dedicated to the production and sale of meat products under the brand of El Rebost de les Gambires.

The members of the jury of the BCN Smart Rural Innovation Contest have highly valued the interest of the improvement proposal presented by Mas Joanet de Pujols. As indicated in the application submission form, the Osona company wants to sell its own agricultural products that are currently undersold or wasted due to being seasonal or surplus, and open a new line of business with them with high-quality products. value added. Thanks to this award, they will be able to carry out a technological feasibility study to determine the specific products that could be made with the machinery currently available at Mas Joanet de Pujols, in addition to receiving technical advice to learn how to make them and an analysis of the useful life of the resulting products.

The BCN Smart Rural Innovation Contest takes over from the two previous calls for Innovation Coupons. The first was held in 2019 and supported seven projects. In 2020, a second call was carried out, which allowed four more micro-businesses to be helped.

The BCN Smart Rural Innovation Coupons are managed by the Association of Rural Initiatives of Catalonia and are part of the PECT BCN Smart Rural, a rural development program co-financed by the Barcelona Provincial Council and the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF).

More details about the BCN Smart Rural Innovation Contest are in this link.


— BCN Smart Rural Editorial —

Vaques del Mas Joanet de Pujols. FOTO: CEDIDA
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