Protected Geographical Indication Gall del Penedès
The breeders of the Penedès rooster promote this Protected Geographical Indication in an organized manner to be able to promote a product that has high value through various promotional initiatives, such as the production of processed foods (patés, confits, broths, etc.).
The IGP Gall del Penedès protects fresh chicken meat (male and female) of the Penedès black variety, improved from the traditional Penedès breed. It is a slow-growing, very rustic bird that is characterized by including grape seeds in its diet.
The breeders of the Penedès rooster began to organize themselves in order to promote a product that had a high value through certification with a PGI. Since the certification was achieved, the Regulatory Council has promoted other initiatives to continue promoting it. Of these, the production of processed foods (patés, confits, broths, etc.) stands out, which is currently in the hands of a social entity and which has served to increase the added value of the product with a direct positive impact for the breeders.
The IGP includes:
- All the municipalities of the county of Alt Penedès (twenty-seven).
- All the municipalities of the county of Baix Penedès (fourteen).
- All the municipalities of the county of Garraf (six).
- The following municipalities of the county of Anoia: Argençola, la Llacuna, Cabrera d'Igualada, Piera, Masquefa, Hostalets de Pierola, Vallbona d'Anoia, Capellades, la Torre de Claramunt, Carme, Orpí, Santa Maria de Miralles, Bellprat, Sant Martí de Tous, Santa Margarida de Montbui, Vilanova del Camí, la Pobla de Claramunt, Castellolí, el Bruc, Òdena, Igualada, Rubió, Jorba, Montmaneu and Copons (twenty-five).
- The municipality of Rodonyà, in the Alt Camp region (one).
The specific objectives of the IGP are the certification of the product —and ensuring that it is certified correctly— and its promotion.
In the case of the Penedès rooster, the process was initiated to give value to this unique, authentic and singular product, in addition to making it more widely known and positioning it in the market.
Due to the volume of work involved in the administrative procedures, obtaining the certification would not have been possible without the support of County Council.
The persistence of the driving group of breeders allowed it to obtain a highly distinguished quality seal.
To the annual budget must be added the dedication of a member of the technical staff of County Council del Penedès who has dedicated part of his day (about two working days a week) to obtaining and monitoring Protected Geographical Indication (PGI).
Promotion: 12,000 euros on average per year (in 2022 this amount rose to 19,000 euros due to increased activity).
Certification: 3,500 euros per year (constant expense that depends on the operators available: breeders, slaughterhouses, feed factories, etc.).
The origin is either European funds from the rural development program (PDR) or aid from the Department of Agriculture, Livestock Farming, Fisheries and Food from the minimum program. Depending on the year, they have been obtained from one place or the other (they are incompatible with each other).
Regulations current: