I04 20201217_DTA_PRM_PatxiUriz_Pastora_ValentinaMuñoz_SanVicentCastellet_DSC6204
Valentina Muñoz, shepherdess from Montserrat Rural Park. PATXI URIZ | BARCELONA PROVINCIAL COUNCIL

Shared Food Processing Facilities

Explore the offer of shared food processing facilities and small abattoirs in the Barcelona's province.


Source: Own research based on data from the Tres Cadires Cooperative (2021)

Based on the data from the map produced by the Tres Cadires Cooperative and our research, we have created a list of workshops, small slaughterhouses and other agri-food processing equipment for shared use in the province in Barcelona. The owners or managers of the workshops have provided us with the data through a survey. We have then georeferenced them on a map.

The Tres Cadires Cooperative has created a map of shared food processing facilities, small slaughterhouses, and other agri-food processing spaces the province.  Based on that map, we have updated and completed it with our own research. We contacted the owners or managers of each facility through a survey and then georeferenced the spaces on a map.

Methodological note

Data sources:

  • Map of shared food processing facilities of the Tres Cadires Cooperative
  • Register of livestock farms
  • Map of agricultural holdings of Catalonia (DUN, 2020). This source has allowed us to know the number of farms by county according to its main Technical-Economic Orientation (OTE).
  • Catalonia crop map with DUN origin
  • Data from the map of the Geographical Information System of the Common Agricultural Policy (SIGPAC) and the DUN-SIGPAC crop map. Specifically, we have worked with available crop and pasture data (based on SIGPAC surfaces and the Cultius-DUN map) to find out the predominant production by county.

The rest of the information comes from the Generalitat's open data.

It's important to note that the data was cross-referenced from the Catalonia livestock holdings register with the Catalonia Cartographic Institute map of municipalities to obtain the holdings of each municipality. Farms outside the Catalonia limit, such as fish farms, have not been taken into account. Only farms with the type of farm "Production and reproduction", the species groups "Sheep, cattle, goats, small mammals, equids and birds", and the productive system "Extensive" were considered. Filters were also applied for the classification of cattle, sheep, and goats to identify farms dedicated specifically to the production of meat and milk.

To obtain accurate data on the number of livestock holdings, it's advisable to filter by species, as the same holding can have more than one species. Therefore, the sum of the columns does not reflect the total number of holdings.

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