

Patxi Uriz's short film complements the exhibition and book of the same name in the Barcelona Agraria program of Barcelona Provincial Council.


The exhibition hall of the corporation's headquarters hosts the photographic exhibition 'Farming Barcelona' until 3rd October 


The event featured farmers leading the way towards a safer, healthier, and more sustainable food future in the province.


The event is intended to pay tribute to the farmers of Barcelona's province and to serve as a meeting point for all individuals dedicated to a healthier, safer, and more…


L'Olivera, established in Vallbona de les Monges in 1974, is a cooperative for social integration in the rural environment. Since 2010, it has carried out part of its activity at…


The first edition of the International Summit of the Agri-Food Sector, which has brought together more than 800 public and private representatives from 25 countries in Barcelona,…


Barcelona's decision to transform urbanizable land into agricultural land to preserve its last food growing spaces is one of the topics highlighted in the new BCN Smart Rural…


Joan Carulla is one of the leading figures of urban agriculture in Barcelona. This seasoned ecologist and naturist is an advocate for the urgent greening of cities. He certainly…


n the province of Barcelona, there are currently 362 beekeeping operations, representing 32% of honey producers in Catalonia.