The Barcelona Provincial Council is promoting extensive grazing as a way to enhance the resilience of forests

In a significant collaborative effort, the corporation is spearheading a comprehensive initiative for the restoration of the agroforestry landscape and fire prevention. A total of 43 agreements have been formalized between forest owners and ranchers, allowing for the grazing of over 1,625 hectares of wooded land, scrubland, and abandoned meadows.

The Technical Office of Municipal Prevention of Forest Fires and Agrarian Development of the Barcelona Provincial Council (OTPMIFDA) has announced the results of the BCN Smart Rural program that aims to promote sustainable forest management by facilitating livestock grazing, promoting the production of quality local food, and minimizing the risk of fires. As part of this initiative, 10 collaboration agreements have been established between forest owners and extensive livestock farmers. This has led to the recovery of 123 hectares of wooded land, scrubland, and abandoned meadows in the counties of Berguedà, Lluçanès, Moianès, and Osona. Additionally, forestry improvements have been made on over a hundred hectares to create a productive environment in harmony with the agroforestry landscape. These actions include thinning, clearing, recovery, and improvement of pastures, selective pruning of trees and bushes, following technical criteria for structural improvement of forest masses, landscape conservation, and enhancement of biodiversity. The total investment in this initiative has been 308,000 euros.

The success of these interventions is determined by the extent of the transformed areas, the amount of managed biomass, and the effective use of these areas by the pastoralists. It is also expected to reduce the risk of forest fires because opening and improving pastures reduces the accumulation of vegetable fuel and promotes a mosaic landscape. Additionally, creating these new spaces promotes an increase in the diversity of flora and fauna, shaping more robust agroforestry territories in the face of climate change and drought.


Strategic selection of farms

The farms participating in the BCN Smart Rural program, in collaboration with the Forest Owners Associations (APF), are located in Priority Management Areas (AGP). They have been carefully chosen for their strategic locations, which can help change the behavior of forest fires and prevent them from becoming uncontrollable. This project has played a crucial role in the recovery of pastures in the province of Barcelona. However, it is not the only initiative supported by the Barcelona Provincial Council to ensure sustainable and responsible forest management.

Since 2020, the OTPMIFDA has closed 33 more agreements for the grazing of 843 hectares within the AGPs. Additionally, 659 hectares located in these preferential management areas have been grazed again by the landowners with the support of the corporation. In total, there are 1,502 new hectares benefiting from the redeployment of extensive livestock farming, which helps to reduce forest fuel and the risk of large fires. Of this surface, 56% is managed with cows, 12% with cows and donkeys, 9% with horses, 8% with cows and sheep, and the rest with goats and other combinations of animals.


Collaboration between forest owners and livestock farmers

The Barcelona Provincial Council is facilitating grazing agreements between forest owners and livestock farmers through the Forest Owners Associations (APF) of the province. These associations are seeking forest owners who are willing to collaborate and livestock farmers interested in sustained grazing. Once both parties have made a commitment, the council subsidizes the tasks of improving and adapting the forest areas for livestock activity. The council also acts as a mediator, providing technical support to both the farm owners and the local shepherds. The APF is responsible for carrying out the work and offering the land to those interested in grazing. Farmers can bring their animals to graze for free, but they must manage the agreed area responsibly and not exceed the ecosystem's carrying capacity. This means they must respect the maximum number of each species that the habitat can support without disrupting the balance.


Promotion of sustainable forest management

The Technical Office of Municipal Prevention of Forest Fires and Agrarian Development of the Barcelona Provincial Council plays a key role in promoting sustainable forest management through the encouragement of livestock grazing. Through agreements established within the BCN Smart Rural program and independently, significant contributions have been made to revitalize forest areas and prevent fires in the province. With a total of 43 agreements signed and a combined area of over 1,625 hectares managed, an environment conducive to extensive livestock farming has been created, aiding in the preservation of forest ecosystems. This collaborative effort between landowners, farmers, and public entities demonstrates a shared dedication to forest conservation and environmental resilience.

The Deputy Delegate for Fire Prevention and Forest Management, Jordi Fàbrega, has explained that «grazing in the AGP is essential to preserve biodiversity and reduce the risk of fires. With the impetus of these agreements, Barcelona Provincial Council looks towards a more resilient and sustainable future for the forests and pastures of the territory. These initiatives are essential to guarantee the protection of forest ecosystems and the safety of local communities». For his part, Jaume Minguell, head of the OTPMIFDA, has affirmed that «grazing agreements represent an efficient strategy for the sustainable management of forests, the prevention of wildfires and the stimulation of local food production. In addition, they contribute to a more dynamic and adaptable territory to environmental changes. Despite the challenges imposed by the limitation of water resources in specific areas, the action persists with the aim of boosting livestock activity and improving the resilience of the landscape in the face of fires».

For more information on the forest restoration actions promoted by the OTPMIFDA, please contact forest engineer Ana Morgado. If you are interested in the grazing agreements aligned with the BCN Smart Rural program, please get in touch with Pere Navarro, engineer at the Territorial Agrarian Directorate of Barcelona Provincial Council.

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