BCN Smart Rural Press Digest – From 1st September to 10th October, 2022

The approval by the European Commission of the Strategic Plan of the CAP 2023-2027 presented by the Spanish State is one of the topics highlighted in the new BCN Smart Rural Press Digest.



The Strategic Plan of the CAP 2023-2027 presented by the Spanish State, approved by the European Commission

The European Commission has approved the Strategic Plan for the Common Agricultural Policy (PAC) 2023-2027 presented by the Spanish State. And it has done so in a joint and coordinated manner, particularly appreciating that it is a more fair, sustainable and social PAC, which enjoys the budget and tools necessary to move towards a more innovative and digital agriculture, and which has put the focus on generational relief.

The plan is a key tool to facilitate the response of agriculture to the environmental and social demands of society and includes Spain's commitment to the objectives of the European Green Pact. For this reason, 23% of the CAP budget will be allocated to develop agricultural and livestock practices beneficial to the climate and the environment. These practices include extensive grazing, pasture maintenance, crop rotations, conservation agriculture, plant covers or areas set aside for biodiversity.



More agri-food news


#Agrarian policy

The Lluçanès Farming Table is born

The aim of the association is to work together in order to define which policies, activities and projects need to be promoted in the territory in agricultural and livestock matters.

(Consortium of Lluçanès)


#Livestock Farming and nature

A beekeeper proposes to recover the black bee in Collserola

The Melvida project also brings the world of the bee closer to society with guided tours to explain its most relevant curiosities.



#Managed forests

More than 2,000 hectares burned and 174 fires this summer

According to the balance of Barcelona Provincial Council, from June 21 to September 1, 174 forest, agricultural or peri-urban fires have been registered with a total of 2,065.8 hectares burned. The majority are from the Pont de Vilomara fire, in Bages, which affected 1,696 hectares.

(Diari de la Diba)


The agricultural sector demands more facilities to manage the forest and avoid large fires

Forest owners complain of bureaucratic hurdles when it comes to promoting actions such as demolitions or changes in land use.

(Regió 7)


Forest grazing revives as an effective fire prevention method

A study by the Forest Technology Center of Catalonia certifies that silvopasture is an effective tool for livestock production, biodiversity and fire prevention in the Mediterranean mountains.




The vineyard of the DO Penedès will need between one and two times more water in 2030, and up to four times more by the end of the century

Although when faced with a lack of water, irrigation can be a quick solution, it is not definitive or sustainable and irrigation will have to be managed in a very structured way.




The Progrés Garbí Cooperative installs solar panels

The Malgrat de Mar cooperative has put them on the roof of its administrative and logistics center and has done so as part of its energy efficiency program.

(Lower Tordera Agrarian Space)


#Generational Renewal

Barcelona Provincial Council is committed to the recovery of abandoned fields

A new action by Land Banks Network envisages the re-establishment of agricultural activity on 22 hectares currently in disuse in the Barcelona districts.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Land banks powered by Barcelona Provincial Council grow by 40%

Right now they have 50 properties available, which represents around 332 hectares.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Recovering abandoned agricultural estates promotes generational relief in the Catalan countryside

The Land Banks Network that drives Barcelona Provincial Council stars in the new 'BCN Smart Rural Story'.

(BCN Smart Rural)


The Generalitat presents the Land Registry of Catalonia

The new tool aims to fight against depopulation, promote food self-sufficiency and facilitate the incorporation of people into the agricultural world.

(Government of Catalonia)


#Proximity agri-food processing

The project of the Obrador Compartit de la Baixa Tordera is facing the construction phase

This September, work began on the Blanes site, while economic viability and governance plans are being prepared.

(Lower Tordera Agrarian Space)


#Tradelocal and nearby

Great popular party to promote the Mandó de Collserola tomato

Its cultivation recovered more than twelve years ago and currently fifteen farmers produce around ten tons annually.

(Va de Gust)


#Waste and food waste

3 initiatives of the Cooperativa Progrés Garbí to fight against food waste

On International Food Loss and Waste Awareness Day, Lower Tordera Agrarian Space recalls the initiatives it carries out to fight food waste and move towards a more sustainable model of the territory's agricultural sector.

(Lower Tordera Agrarian Space)



The County Council puts new technologies at the service of farming

The supramunicipal body will hold a series of conferences in different municipalities of Bages that will deal with the topics of innovation in extensive agriculture and livestock farming, and generational succession.

(Comacal Council of Bages)


The IRTA will do a study to move towards a food production 0 emissions in the EABT

The analysis will allow improvements to be made in tomato and lettuce crops.

(Lower Tordera Agrarian Space)


#Agro-food training

The Agricultural Schools start the 2022-2023 academic year with two new higher degree cycles: Viticulture and Landscaping, Agroecology and Climate Action

During this course, the creation of the Agricultural School of Horticulture and New Technologies of Cabrils is also planned.

(Government of Catalonia)


The first edition of the Modern Animal Traction School is ready

Registrations will open on October 24. With this training, the aim is to alleviate the lack of knowledge in relation to agricultural work with horses.



El Tall is off to a strong start to the training season

The Montserrat Rural Park scrap room kicks off fall with a new meat handling course for ranchers and shepherds.

(BCN Smart Rural)


#Agrifood marketing

The Origen Montserrat market is consolidating

The fair was born in June to promote Montserrat Rural Park foods and has already become the main gastronomic event in the territory.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Navàs creates its own label for local products

The city council promotes a brand to give more visibility to food produced in the territory and to encourage its sale in local establishments.

(Regió 7)


#Agrarian alerts

Pressure on Barcelona's City Council to save the Hort d'en Tomàs

The support of the UB and neighboring collectives in the orchard hastens the district of Horta-Guinardó to stop the eviction, scheduled for October 18.

(El Periódico)


The small eco egg productions denounce their fragile situation

Catalan organic egg family businesses are sounding the alarm about their fragility and the danger of being forced to close.




Carolyn Steel: "A good society is one in which everyone is fed well"

The British architect went from wondering how cities are fed, to concluding that the ideal society is built from what we eat at home.

(El País)


Enric Casasayas: "Society should pay us, to do the work we do, to manage the territory"

The farmer who, together with his family, is in charge of Les Arnaules, in Viladordis, explains how the flames of the forest fire last July have affected his farm.



Marc Caralt: "Training is necessary, but being in contact with other farmers is the key"

The first user of the Sant Vicenç del Horts Agricultural Test Space is a newcomer who grows an organic vegetable garden.



Ana Digon: "Regenerative agriculture is working with nature, not against it"

The manager of the Iberian Regenerative Agriculture Association assures that this practice is cheaper and produces healthier food.



Martí Sucarrats: "Abrera is a very good place to grow grapes due to the climatic conditions and the properties of the land"

Interview with the farmer responsible for Cal Garrigosa, who explains the history and evolution of this family winery in Abrera.

(Montserrat Rural Park)


Josep Maria Gibert: "Olesà oil is very balanced and with a certain sweetness that makes it very pleasant when eating"

The secretary of the Olesana Agricultural Foundation explains the link he has with the Olesa Oil Mill and the importance of olive cultivation in the municipality.

(Montserrat Rural Park)


Emma Rojas: "I don't think I've ever done anything braver than this. I didn't even know where Manresa was on the map"

Shepherdess and shearer, the young cattlewoman dedicates herself with passion to two ancestral trades. His is a story that begins in Barcelona and blossoms in the heart of Lluçanès, among wool.

(La Mira)


Asier Larrañaga: "We must help the forests to face climate change"

The sub-inspector of the Forest Actions Reinforcement Group (GRAF) of the Fire Department of Government of Catalonia highlights the importance of research and action to try to mitigate the impacts of climate change on Mediterranean forests.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Pere Sala: "The best firewall is the agricultural mosaic"

The director of the Landscape Observatory of Catalonia explains why peri-urban spaces, traditionally abandoned, are today projected as spaces of the future.

(Architects for architecture)


Alejandro Guzmán: "The food in private school canteens is much worse than in public schools"

Ecocentral's alma mater left haute cuisine to go to the root of the food chain. In this interview, he highlights some of the bad practices that accentuate the design errors of school menus.

(La Vanguardia)



Humanize food

Toni Massanés, director of the Alicia Foundation, talks in this article about the importance of humanizing the preparation and consumption of food, especially among the elderly.

(La Vanguardia)


Peri-urban natural and rural parks: spaces for nature and people

Biologist Marià Martí Viudes reflects on the future challenges of some key spaces to reconnect citizens with nature.

(Diari de Sabadell)


Fire and landscape

Josep Gordi, professor of Geography at the University of Girona, reflects on the weight of the laws of the market when it comes to managing the forests of the Mediterranean basin.




The winemaking history of Alella stars in a new book

Thirteen human stories make up "A country in a cup." Alella, the human wine" which reviews what is inside and behind a glass of wine.



— BCN Smart Rural Editorial —

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