Parc Rural

Montserrat Rural Park


We analyze the state of protection and management of agricultural spaces in the province of Barcelona.


Of these, five facilities have been created within the framework of the BCN Smart Rural, an intelligent agrarian development project promoted by the Barcelona Provincial Council…


Installed in a truck, it will debut in September and will serve sheep and goat farmers in Bages, Berguedà, Moianès, and Osona.


The Barcelona Provincial Council, a pioneer in the preservation, management, and revitalization of agricultural spaces, collaborates with municipalities and institutions to raise…


In the demarcation of Barcelona, the protection of agricultural spaces has a name, Josep Montasell Dorda. And an intention: to bring food closer to people.


Right now it has twenty plots, which represents an increase of 35% since the official start of the Covid-19 pandemic. The increase in the supply of land makes it possible to…


Microenterprises in the agri-food and forestry sector in Central Catalonia can now participate in the BCN Smart Rural Innovation Contest. The prize consists of a grant of 2,710…


We speak with the manager of the Support Unit for Agricultural Areas of the Provincial Council of Barcelona and coordinator of the European project BCN Smart Rural.


Food is a human right recognized internationally. But if we want to exercise it at the local level, we need to promote agrarian policies that allow us to achieve food sovereignty.