Resum de Premsa BCN Smart Rural – De l’1 de febrer al 7 de març de 2023

BCN Smart Rural Press Digest – From 5th May to 2nd June 2023

The constitution of the management association of the Odena Basin Agrarian Park is one of the issues highlighted in the new BCN Smart Rural Press Digest.


The management association of the Odena Basin Agrarian Park is born

This month the association that will be responsible for managing the Odena Basin Agrarian Park (PACO), an initiative that aims to preserve and promote agricultural activity in the region, as well as promoting healthy and sustainable agri-food practices.

The new entity is made up of the County Council of Anoia, three private entities (the Association of Producers of the Odena Basin, the Association of Trade and Catering of the Odena Basin Agrarian Park and the Association of Agents of Tourist Promotion of the Odena Basin Agrarian Park) and 14 municipalities in the territory: Argençola, Capellades, Carme, Castellolí, Copons, Igualada, Jorba, La Pobla de Claramunt, La Torre de Claramunt, Òdena, Orpí, Rubió, Sant Martí de Tous and Santa Margarida de Montbui. This collaboration between public institutions and local agents is key to achieving agro-food sustainability in the territory.

The featured news article is available at this link.



More agri-food news


#Agrarian policy

A new call for the Collserola Agricultural Contract is open

This support tool for farming aims to financially compensate the socio-environmental services they provide to the territory and which are often invisible.

(Barcelona City Council)


#Agrarian Parks

Lower Tordera Agrarian Space takes a step forward and approves 12 new actions

The second ordinary assembly of the Espai Agrari de la Baixa Association approves the roadmap for 2023.

(Radio Palafolls)


Esparreguera and Hostalets de Pierola adhere to Montserrat Rural Park

With these two additions, Montserrat Rural Park goes from having 16 to 18 municipalities, four years after its creation. Currently, the Montserrat Rural Park is the first park of these characteristics in Europe, the first in Catalonia's agricultural area and the one that groups the most municipalities.

(Montserrat Rural Park)


#Livestock Farming and nature

Ramats Montseny is born, an association to promote extensive livestock farming and prevent fires in the massif

The alliance has been forged by three town councils of Osona and Vallès Oriental together with local farmers with the aim of adding more voices for comprehensive management.

(Nació Digital)



The Lluçanès Consortium publishes the "Decal for the garden with low water consumption"

The decalogue contains advice for savings in irrigation systems, soil treatment and crops, as well as some advice on good horticultural practices. Following the study of local varieties of Lluçanès, some of the most relevant are also highlighted.

(Lluçanès Consortium)


#Climate Action

The Alt Penedès County Council promotes the digitization of agriculture to improve yields and increase sustainability in the face of climate change

Remote sensing by nano satellites applied to agriculture is a new solution to improve the competitiveness of the agricultural sector.

(Alt Penedès County Council)


Calculating methane emissions from the cattle sector can help mitigate the greenhouse effect

Through the Beefmetalist project and laser meters an application has been developed to be able to calculate methane emissions from fattening calves in Catalonia. With this application, farmers will be able to estimate methane emissions from their farms and evaluate the efficiency of their initiatives



#Agro-food products of the territory

Escoles del Bages bring Manresa green cabbage from the garden to the table

The Monsenyor Gibert center in Sant Fruitós has started a pilot test with a garden where the variety is grown and the advice of renowned chefs to cook it.

(Regió 7)


#Agricultural transformation

Introducing La Gatera, a collective workshop on agri-food projects that will open in September in the Penedès

Guardiola de Font-rubí hosts the presentation of La Gatera, the first collective gastronomic workshop in the Penedès. The event was held in the building that will host the workshop, which is scheduled to open in September.

(El Cargol)


The Manlleu slaughterhouse seeks the complicity of the administrations to be able to maintain the activity

They are waiting to close the financing to execute the project to improve the facilities, valued at more than half a million euros.

(El 9 Nou)


#Agro-food association

Agri-food cooperatives are key to the competitiveness and sustainability of farmers

This technical article talks about agri-food cooperatives in the European Union and the different development models in different countries.



#ubunto_95_sustainable ubunto

The Park to Table program promotes the exchange of a group of young chefs between the Parc del Garraf and the Parco Naturale Regionale di Porto Conte

The Parc a taula program promotes an exchange of students and teachers between the Institut Joan Ramon Benaprès in Sitges and the Istituto Istruzione Superiore Piazza Sulis Alghero (IIS-IPSAR) in Alghero, as part of the activity 'Young Cooks of the Park'. As part of the exchange, there were cooking demonstrations, visits were made to Parc del Garraf and local producers, and practices were carried out in restaurants in Sitges.

(L'Informatiu dels Parcs)


#Waste and food waste

How to prevent food waste in school canteens

The Government of Catalonia Climate Action Department has published a new sectoral guide to help school canteens prevent food waste. The document lays the foundations for designing and implementing a food waste prevention plan in school canteens

(Government of Catalonia)


The 16,000 tons of waste generated by the Prat artichoke could be turned into paper

It is proposed by the project of an Argentinian student based in Barcelona, who has won one of the Foodture awards for sustainable innovation.




The X_Agritech network is born to promote the transfer of R+D+i in the agri-food sector to Catalonia

It brings together more than 300 researchers from eight Catalan scientific institutions, and the management and coordination are in charge of the UPC and the IRTA respectively. The objective is to advance the technologies developed by the members of the Network and guide them so that they can be easily adopted by the productive sector.



Healthy margins for more sustainable crops

The DEMO MARGES project will study the best techniques to restore degraded margins on agricultural farms, a good practice in order to protect the soil against erosion and increase biodiversity. Thanks to the knowledge acquired during the project, a free guide will be published with techniques and methods for the restoration of margins on agricultural farms.




Albert Carol: «The farmer must be an inventor and a mechanic, he must know everything»

The Masia Can Pastallé, located in Castellbisbal, is located in a beautiful place, surrounded by fertile land, well-connected with the main roads of the metropolitan area of Barcelona. We meet Albert Carol, one of the two farmers who work there.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Dolors Roca: «Farming is the best way to live there is»

Fruita de Cal Roca is a family business that has been operating since the seventies in La Granada. In this corner of Alt Penedès, where monoculture of vines is common, Dolors Roca passionately embraces agricultural diversity.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Roger Solé: «Being a farmer is a risky sport and I like that»

Petit Bané is an agricultural company from Vilassar de Mar that was born ten years ago thanks to the push of Roger Solé, a social educator interested in farming. He is dedicated to the cultivation and sale of organic food, but also energizes the farm with school visits and workshops for all tastes.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Agnès Zander: «When you take care of the land you can't think short term»

Sències, a company dedicated to organic farming that tries to maintain the family's agricultural legacy and take care of the landscape, was born in the Can Girona farmhouse in Sitges. Agnès Zander, at the head of the project, comes from the world of art and is passionate about biology. her love for plants is evident when he shows us the vegetable garden and the vineyard he cultivates with respect and dedication.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Marc Castellnou: « We don't think we're in a national emergency because we still don't see the smoke»

Interview with Marc Castellnou (Tivissa, 1972), fire inspector of the Generalitat, and head of the Forestry Action Group (GRAF).

(The Critic)



The centenarian grandfather who was the forerunner of urban gardens in Barcelona publishes a book

Joan Carulla, with the journalist Carlos Fresneda, has written 'My Green Century', just when he turned one hundred years old.



— BCN Smart Rural Editorial —

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