BCN Smart Rural Press Digest - From 1st June 1 to 30th July 2021

The approval of the new Common Agricultural Policy by the Ministers of Agriculture of the European Union is one of the topics highlighted in the latest BCN Smart Rural Press Digest.




EU ministers give the green light to the new rules of the Common Agricultural Policy

After three years of negotiations, the Ministers of Agriculture of the Member States of the European Union have given the green light to the new Common Agricultural Policy. In Brussels, the agreement has been described as "historic", a pact that opens the door to a fairer and more sustainable CAP at an economic, social and environmental level. The ball is now in the court of the Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food, where the strategic plan is being negotiated with the communities.

It is important to remember that the Spanish State has an allocation of 47,724 million euros for the period 2023-2027, which represents a very important figure for the future of agriculture and livestock in the territory.

More information about the new PAC is at this link.



More agri-food news



#Unique agricultural spaces


Five municipalities promote the Baixa Tordera Agrarian Space

Palafolls, Malgrat, Tordera, Santa Susanna and Blanes sign the Management and Development Plan for the joint project promoted by the Barcelona Provincial Council.

(La Vanguardia)


Sant Vicenç dels Horts will cede land to new farmers to revitalize the sector and promote generational change

The selected entrepreneurs will receive comprehensive advice to make their projects viable.

(Món Rural)


#Agriculture and nature


10% of the agricultural surface in Spain is organic

By extension, the main organic crops are olive groves, cereals for grain production, nuts and vines.

(Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food)


Twenty scent parks to recover the use of aromatic plants in Catalonia

It is a network of parks with two objectives: the ecological and traditional production of aromatic and medicinal plants and the dissemination of this natural heritage.



The future of wine depends on taking care of the soil

A symposium on regenerative viticulture puts on the table the urgency of moving towards a new farming model to deal with climate change and contribute to the good state of the earth



#Livestock and ecology


Parc del Montnegre i el Corredor is building a livestock shed on the Can Bosc farm to be able to carry out extensive livestock farming and fire prevention

The new shed, 100 square meters, has been made with sustainable materials.

(L'Informatiu dels Parcs)


Popular cattle shearing in Prats de Lluçanès to maintain the profession

Cattlemen from Osona see the annual event as "a party, both for the well-being of the sheep and to maintain the profession".

(Món Rural)


#Managed forests


A guide is presented to promote the use of forest biomass as a sustainable energy source for companies

The guide aims to sensitize companies and guide them on how to incorporate in their production process the use of biomass from the Priority Management Areas (AGP) for the prevention of forest fires, as well as in their communication and marketing strategy to integrate biomass as a vector of sustainability in the company.

(Barcelona Provincial Council)


The benefits of Mediterranean forests are in danger if the global temperature rises more than 2 degrees

A team of researchers from the CTFC, the UdL and the CREAF has discovered that, if warming in the Mediterranean basin rises above 2 degrees of temperature, the numerous indicators of fires and climate risks experience an average increase of 64%.



They produce the global map of carbon flows in the forests of the 21st century

A new study led by NASA and with the participation of the CTFC, Agrotecnio and the UdL provides a global view of carbon emissions and absorptions associated with the biomass of terrestrial ecosystems. The results facilitate the accounting, monitoring and verification of these carbon flows under the climate commitments of the Paris Agreement and the 2023 global balance sheet, which will assess collective progress towards long-term climate goals.



#Climate action


The impact of climate change on traditional crops in Mediterranean lands

A scientific article condenses the research carried out for years by the Espigall team on the impact that climate change will have on the Catalan agricultural landscape.



The role of agriculture in greenhouse gas emissions

This article takes an in-depth look at the agricultural sector's contribution to greenhouse gas emissions and highlights agricultural practices that can help reduce them.



Food production must be climate neutral by 2035

This is established in the proposed regulation on land use, forestry and agriculture presented by the European Commission as part of the "Climate Package".



Non-agricultural activities account for a growing percentage of greenhouse gas emissions from food systems

A study led by FAO highlights the importance of promoting climate-friendly practices throughout the entire food supply chain.



#Green energy


The Government of the Generalitat will modify the Renewable Energy Decree this autumn

The promoters of renewables will need the agreement of the owners and will have to present the projects to the town councils.

(Government of Catalonia)


#Urban ecology


There are already eight urban gardens managed by people with special needs in Barcelona

The people who manage the gardens have a physical, intellectual disability or a mental health disorder and have the technical support of a company that teaches them how to plant, grow and harvest the vegetables.



Urban gardens: self-consumption and social perspective

The Mira-sol community garden, in Sant Cugat, is a consolidated initiative that was born from public pressure.

(El Cugatenc)




Increased biodiversity improves people's health

A study commissioned by the Public Space Promotion and Conservation Service of the AMB analyzes the direct and indirect benefits that biodiversity brings to people's health. Among the most relevant, the study highlights that diets based on crop diversity help protect against disease thanks to a balanced intake of micronutrients and vitamins.



#Agroecological food systems


New technical dossier on sustainable agri-food systems

A new monograph from the Department of Climate Action comprehensively addresses the transformation of the Catalan agri-food system in order to face the main challenges of the sector and society.



#Agricultural transformation


Change the agri-food model from a small village bakery

The Eixarcolant collective is launching a campaign to get 100,000 euros. They want to recover the Jorba oven and demonstrate that it is possible to develop a new model of food production, distribution and consumption.

(Món Rural)


#Agro-food products of the territory


The recovery of the Mandó tomato, an autochthonous variety of Collserola

Damià Gibernet, from Can Mandó, in Vallvidrera, has recovered some seeds that had not been cultivated for more than half a century. Thanks to his work, there are currently close to 5,000 plants of this variety of tomato in Collserola.

(El Cugatenc)


#Local and local trade


The province of Barcelona has more than 12,500 stalls among the 265 weekly markets

90% of municipalities with more than 5,000 inhabitants have markets for non-sedentary sales.

(Barcelona Provincial Council)


More ecological and local products in Barcelona's municipal markets

The "Comerç verd" program will qualify Barcelona's municipal markets that offer local, small producer, organic, farmer's and market food. The project is part of the Barcelona World Capital of Sustainable Food 2021 program and aims to encourage the consumption of local products.



#Waste and food waste


Circular Market, a new food utilization project in Mercavallès

The project is promoted by the Regional Council of Vallès Occidental with the aim of taking advantage of fruits and vegetables from the Mercavallès market that are edible but not marketable in order to provide fresh, quality food to people who need food support in the region.



Move by zero in the municipal markets of Vilanova i la Geltrú

The campaign is promoted by Vilanova i la Geltrú City Council together with Go Zero Waste with the aim of promoting waste reduction and local trade.



#Healthy diet


Eating organic foods during childhood is associated with better cognitive development

An ISGlobal study has found that organic food intake is linked to better scores on tests of fluid intelligence (ability to solve new problems) and functional or working memory (which allows the brain to retain new information while needed in the short term).

(Món Rural)


#Agrifood marketing


​Osona is looking for the 10 best foods in the region

The initiative is promoted by the Regional Council of Osona (Osona Turisme) and Creacció, with the support of the Earth Products Network of the Barcelona Provincial Council.

(Nació Digital)


The Alice Party is being reinvented and will be held in September in a virtual format

The 2021 edition of the Gastronomy Festival of the regions of Barcelona will be held online on September 16, 17 and 18. It will be free and open to everyone.

(Nació Manresa)


Welcome to Pagès grows with a stable offer all year round

The farmers' festival will once again open the doors of Catalonia's agri-food farms on the first weekend of October and, at the same time, it is growing with a stable offer.

(Nació Sant Cugat)


The 'Parc a taula' awards recognize the gastronomic and cultural dissemination work of five companies of the Natural Parks Network

These awards, distributed in four categories, want to recognize the work of companies located within a territory of the Network of Natural Parks of the Diputació de Barcelona, ​​in the dissemination of the natural, cultural and landscape values ​​of these spaces.

(Barcelona Provincial Council)


Ecoviure will return in October with a monographic space dedicated to honey

The new edition of the sustainability fair regains presence. There will be workshops for children and adults, talks and tastings of different types of honey.

(Nació Manresa)


Bio Week is looking for organizers of activities all over Catalonia

It is an event that promotes and publicizes organic production and food among the population and will be held from October 16 to 24.

(Government of Catalonia)


The international festival Agrofilm 2021 will reward the best films about agriculture and food

Agrofilm is a festival jointly organized by a Slovak research institution and film professionals, and supported by FAO.



#Rural life


How Claret de Cavallers has been reborn

Two new residents are returning agricultural and livestock activity to this town of Bages.



#Agrarian alerts


SOS of the dairy sector

The cowboys estimate that, in 30 years, 90% of Catalan farms have disappeared due to below-cost milk prices.



Neighborhood planting to save the last agricultural area of ​​Cornellà de Llobregat

The ARE Ribera-Salinas threatens the last agricultural area of ​​the municipality.



The Franqueses del Vallès Council opposes the creation of a photovoltaic park on agricultural land

According to the local executive, this is an attack on the environment and the environment, given that the space where the installation is planned is non-developable and intended for cultivation.

(Món Rural)


#Agrarian art


Perejaume opens an exhibition in natural and agricultural spaces of the Maresme

"Keep outside" explores the creative limits of the author with a golden manure or sprinklers to water the sea.

(El Periódico)




Maria Rovira: "The earth must be felt, not tamed"

Farmer of the Montserrat Rural Park, she has been working the land for more than fifty years. In 2005 she received the Cross of Sant Jordi for her career in defense of women in the rural world.

(La Vanguardia)


Valentina Muñoz: "I communicate better with goats than with many people"

The young shepherdess of the Montserrat Rural Park claims the importance of the primary sector.

(La Vanguardia)


Carlo Petrini: "If a gourmet or a farmer is not an environmentalist, he is stupid"

The founder of Slow Food, Carlo Petrini, is committed to a change based on the regeneration of the earth and thought.



Francesc Font: "What I saw in Australia and the United States is that you can also live on small farms"

The author of the book "Rooted to the Earth" is one of the agricultural technicians who has contributed the most to making regenerative agriculture known and spread in Catalonia.



Marc Talavera: "The agri-food model is not at the center of the debate and we must put it"

The president of the Eixarcolant collective affirms that they are determined to transform the way we produce and consume in our home.



Lluís Brotons: "Reforesting burnt areas in the Mediterranean is a bad idea"

The CSIC scientist and CREAF researcher warns about the need to plan what to do with the growing forests in the face of the foreseeable increase in fires due to the climate crisis.

(El Diari)


David Torrelles: "In Spain and other countries we have a problem: coexistence with the conventional sector"

The president of the Catalan Council of Ecological Agricultural Production shares keys to face the new European regulations.



Joan Pino: "We must take advantage of the free land opportunities that still remain in the city"

The Director of the Center for Ecological Research and Forestry Applications (CREAF) defends the importance of naturalizing the urban green.

(La Vanguardia)


Martina Manyà: "The future depends on ruralizing the cities"

The work of the visual artist from Barcelona reflects the values ​​of the rural world through nature, food and the feminine gaze.



Anna Pérez Català: "We cannot imagine that we are running out of resources"

The environmentalist is curator of Barcelona Tomorrow, a series of debates to define Barcelona's Metropolitan Strategic Plan.





Pioneers of urban permaculture

Joan Carulla and Robert Strauss have been growing the field on the rooftops of Barcelona for decades.

(El País)


The Escairador: a life project

L'Escairador is the name of a project in Berguedà that was born with the desire to recover white corn and red wheat, two traditional varieties of cereals.

(La Conca 5.1)


The art of spying today

Thousands of kilos of fruit and vegetables are left in the field uncollected, but they can be sent out.

(El Punt Avui)


Farming, key to preventing fires

The experts agree to emphasize its essential role in facing this risk and ask that its work be valued.



When the forest becomes the new pantry

Initiatives that seek to cultivate forest land to produce food are growing.

(El País)




Stand up for local products even if they are not yours

Toni Massanés, director of the Alicia Foundation, invites us in this article not to forget our own gastronomic culture.

(La Vanguardia)


— BCN Smart Rural Editorial —

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