

Patxi Uriz's short film complements the exhibition and book of the same name in the Barcelona Agraria program of Barcelona Provincial Council.


The exhibition hall of the corporation's headquarters hosts the photographic exhibition 'Farming Barcelona' until 3rd October 


Ricard Huguet has been running L’Horta de les Casetes, a one-hectare organic vegetable garden in Sant Pere de Ribes (Garraf), for 12 years. The land is leased. Ricard owns two…


La sínia Pujadas is a family vegetable farming business located in Vilanova i la Geltrú, within the Garraf Natural Park. One of its driving forces is Montse Marcé, who comes from…


Fruita de Cal Roca is a family business that’s been operating since the 1970s in La Granada, a village in the county of Alt Penedès. The monoculture of vines is widespread in this…


Can Girona, a farmhouse in Sitges, is the birthplace of Sències, an organic farming business that strives to keep alive one family’s agricultural legacy and take care of the local…


A look at the state of the agroforestry mosaic in the province of Barcelona.


The loss of agroforestry landscape in favour of a homogenized landscape based on continuous tree masses is widespread and endangers the territory's forests.


We analyze the state of protection and management of agricultural spaces in the province of Barcelona.