Can Serrat, coworking d'artistes al Parc Rural del Montserrat. PATXI URIZ | DIPUTACIÓ DE BARCELONA
Can Serrat, artists' coworking space in the Montserrat Rural Park. PATXI URIZ | BARCELONA PROVINCIAL COUNCIL

Webinar: Coworking & Covid-19

As part of BCN Smart Rural, we are organizing the webinar 'Coworking & Covid-19' on Thursday, 30th April, from 11 am to 1 pm.

The objectives of the event are:

  • To present the Coworking Study in the BCN Smart Rural area,  with the participation of 25 coworking spaces from the counties of Anoia, Bages, Berguedà, and Osona.
  • To assess the current state of coworking spaces and highlight new opportunities.

The session is open and aimed at coworking space managers and individuals interested in this topic.

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