I11 Salut

Health Facilities

To ensure the physical and mental well-being of those working in the agri-food sector in the province of Barcelona, we are providing a map showing the locations of Primary Care Centers, hospitals, and pharmacies in all municipalities.

Source: Public facilities by the Government of Catalonia (2024)

This interactive map displays the locations of various health facilities, including Primary Care Centers (CAP), hospitals, and pharmacies. This tool enables easy access to information on the availability and proximity of essential health centers for the rural and urban population. 

It also allows for the planning of necessary services for the agri-food sector in the province of Barcelona.

Methodological note

Considerations for the geographical location of health facilities:

  • 94% of the health centers use latitude and longitude coordinates provided in the open data provided by the Government of Catalonia related to public spaces.
  • In 5% of cases where location data was not available, geolocation was done using the address. In such cases, a warning is displayed.
  • The remaining 1% of centers have been positioned according to their zip code, with a warning being displayed in these cases as well.
  • The locations of the municipalities are determined through cartographic crossing with the municipal map at a scale of 1:5,000 from the Cartographic and Geological Institute of Catalonia (ICGC).

In certain cases where the same space serves different functions (e.g., a health center and a pharmacy), the records have been duplicated to represent both.

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