

In a session of reflection and debate with experts held yesterday at Montserrat Rural Park, the corporation delved into the development of the Action Plan for Generational Renewal…


The inauguration in Osona of the first agrarian testing space in Catalonia is one of the topics highlighted in the new BCN Smart Rural Press Digest. 


El Tros d’Ordal (The Ordal Patch), located in the county of Alt Penedès, came into being in 2012, when Àgueda Ortiz and David Casas created a small vegetable garden in the village…


Isabel Simó grew up in Ullastrell, in the county of Vallès Occidental, where together with her partner she now runs a community garden project in which a dozen other people are…


Ricard Huguet has been running L’Horta de les Casetes, a one-hectare organic vegetable garden in Sant Pere de Ribes (Garraf), for 12 years. The land is leased. Ricard owns two…


Fruita de Cal Roca is a family business that’s been operating since the 1970s in La Granada, a village in the county of Alt Penedès. The monoculture of vines is widespread in this…


Promoted by the Anoia Regional Council with the support of the Barcelona Provincial Council, this agricultural space currently integrates 14 municipalities of the county:…


The first edition of the International Summit of the Agri-Food Sector, which has brought together more than 800 public and private representatives from 25 countries in Barcelona,…


This new agro-food transformation space, located at Puigmercadal Market in Manresa, aims to promote models of healthy, sustainable, and safe food production.