

Shared workspaces in the towns of the province star in the new 'BCN Smart Rural Story'.


The resident of Igualada holds a doctorate in biology and serves as the president of Eixarcolant, a cooperative entity working towards the recovery of traditional agricultural…


We talked to the coordinator of the Central Catalonia Cooperative Athenaeum about the new associative models being promoted by the younger generation in rural areas.


The new agri-food cooperatives premiere the first season of a series created to give voice to the individuals leading the way towards a healthier and more sustainable agri-food…


The short film 'Calm Strength' premieres the first season of a series created to give voice to the individuals leading the way towards a healthier and more sustainable agri-food…


A publication to facilitate entry into farming for young individuals who do not come from a farming background.


'The Adventure of Being a Farmer' aims to promote generational renewal and facilitate entry into farming for young individuals who do not come from a farming background.


The approval of the Catalonia 2030 Bioeconomy Strategy is one of the topics highlighted in the latest BCN Smart Rural press briefing.


This StoryMaps explores the range of shared agri-food processing facilities and abattoirs in the province of Barcelona.