Camps de conreu a Esparreguera. PATXI URIZ | DIPUTACIÓ DE BARCELONA

The Montserrat Rural Park land bank continues its information tour

The two responsible technicians will hold a total of fifteen information and advisory sessions to bring the project closer to the local community.

Eight municipalities within the Montserrat Rural Park have already hosted information sessions on the land bank, promoted by the Barcelona Provincial Council as part of the BCN Smart Rural strategy. It is expected that, by the end of winter, the remaining municipalities in the region will also receive visits from the two technicians responsible for this pioneering project.

The tour, which started this summer, will last for six months. Its aim is to raise awareness of the project within the area and provide individual, free advice to owners of abandoned agricultural land and to those who are keen to work the land but lack access to it. So far, meetings have been held in the town halls of Castellolí, Piera, El Bruc, Viladecavalls, Rellinars, Olesa de Montserrat, Sant Vicenç de Castellet, and Esparreguera. These sessions have provided assistance to around 15 land seekers and 40 landowners.

This Tuesday, a new information and advisory session was held in Esparreguera, in collaboration with the town council, which provided a venue from 9:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. to address enquiries related to the Land Bank. Over the course of the morning, around fifteen people took advantage of the service.


About the Montserrat Rural Park Land Bank

The Montserrat Rural Park Land Bank is part of the BCN Smart Rural strategy by the Barcelona Provincial Council, aimed at transforming the province’s agri-food sector. Its goal is to connect owners of abandoned or unused plots with individuals looking for land to farm, providing both sides with technical and legal support tailored to their needs.

The Land Bank works alongside local councils and organisations to preserve the rural landscape and promote agricultural activity in the region. Its services are free and include facilitating contact between landowners and prospective tenants, offering technical support, legal advice, contract formalisation, ongoing training, and other actions benefiting both parties.

In addition to its positive impact on local agriculture, the project also helps reduce the risk of wildfires, preserve the landscape, revitalise rural areas, and encourage the consumption of local products, thereby contributing to the fight against climate change.

For more information about the Montserrat Rural Park Land Bank, please contact Pere Navarro and Marta Martínez, territorial engineers for the BCN Smart Rural strategy.


— BCN Smart Rural Editorial —

Camp de fruiters a Esparreguera. PATXI  URIZ | DIPUTACIÓ DE BARCELONA
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