Herd of goats in the Montserrat Rural Park. PATXI URIZ | BARCELONA PROVINCIAL COUNCIL

BCN Smart Rural releases a guide to steering future shepherds in Catalonia

'The Importance of Being a Shepherd' aims to fight against the abandonment of the profession. To promote generational renewal in the livestock farming sector, it is important to involve young shepherds in extensive farming practices.   

BCN Smart Rural has released a guide on extensive livestock farming that explains in a simple way all the resources available to individuals who want to engage in the management of freely raised animals. Published in a digital and downloadable format here, 'The Importance of Being a Shepherd' aims to fight the abandonment of the profession in Catalonia. To promote generational renewal in the livestock farming sector, it is important to involve young shepherds in extensive farming practices. 

The guide is divided into six chapters that review the main concepts that any young person who wants to start working as a shepherd must know, especially if they do not come from a farming background. In the beginning, it explains what extensive livestock farming is, why it is so important and what are its challenges. Next are answers to the most frequently asked questions about working with grazing animals, particularly on small farms and with an agroecological approach. A map of regulated agricultural training centres and accompanying services and financial support entities in the area are also provided. Finally, the guide features stories of successful livestock farmers and shepherds who wanted to share their experiences.

To make it easier for young entrepreneurs to start business projects and improve their viability, 'The Importance of Being a Shepherd' includes a list of 19 locations in Catalonia that offer services to support agricultural entrepreneurship. In this sense, it is a new example of the willingness to cooperate and collaborate between different public administrations: city councils, Barcelona Provincial Council, and the Government of Catalonia.

The author of the guide is Laia Batalla-Carrera, director of the School of Shepherds and Shepherdesses of Catalonia, who, in coordination with Pere Navarro, territorial engineer of the Territorial Agrarian Directorate of the Barcelona Provincial Council, has taken special care in highlighting the environmental services that shepherds and their flocks provide to society. Animals that graze freely not only enjoy greater well-being but also play a vital role in conserving the natural environment, biodiversity, and landscape. Additionally, they help in reducing the risk of big fires by lowering the fuel load on forests. Livestock grazing can also transform grass into delicious, healthy and sustainable food.

The BCN Smart Rural Land Banks Network has edited the publication with co-financing from the Barcelona Provincial Council and FEDER funds from the European Union. The design of the publication was carried out by Aida Garriga and Toni Falcó from the Duplex Creativity studio.

For more information about this publication, please contact Pere Navarro, territorial engineer of the Agrarian Territorial Directorate of the Barcelona Provincial Council.


— BCN Smart Rural Editorial —

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