BCN Smart Rural Press Digest – From December 8, 2021 to March 3, 2022

A UN report warning that extreme fires will increase by 30% by 2050 is one of the topics highlighted in the latest BCN Smart Rural Press Digest.



Extreme fires will increase by 30% in 2050

Extreme fires will become more and more common and their number will increase by 30% by 2050. This warning is one of the conclusions reached by a report from the United Nations Organization which, in addition, directly points to the 'global warming and land use changes as responsible. In other words, we will suffer more extreme fires because of human action.

"Extreme fires" (EWE for their acronym in English) are extraordinary events that, until now, only took place once every century, and which, in the near future, will increase in frequency. The study also indicates that the global increase in temperatures and changes in land use will have a similar effect on "normal fires" and calls for a radical change in the resources invested in fires, moving them from fight the fire to prevent it.

The featured news article is available at this link.



More agri-food news


#Agrarian policy


Europe launches a lasting legal framework to boost organic production

The new European regulations on organic production enter into force, a legal framework that seeks to standardize the rules of the game in the member countries, give stability to the sector so that new operators can join and promote the consumption of organic food.



Europe recognizes the benefits of extensive livestock farming and organic fertilization

The European Economic and Social Committee has approved the report 'Benefits of extensive livestock farming and organic fertilizers in the context of the European Green Pact', promoted by the Union of Small Farmers and Cattle Breeders, which is part of this European body. The approved report recognizes extensive livestock farming for its key role in providing “sustainable, healthy, safe and excellent quality” food.



MAPA publishes its digitization strategy for the agri-food sector and the rural environment

21 actions will be launched with an amount of 64 million euros for the period 2021-2023.

(Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food)



#Livestock Farming and nature


Plan to promote extensive livestock farming in the Montseny Natural Park

The Montseny Natural Park wants to promote extensive livestock farming to guarantee both this economic activity and the maintenance of the biodiversity of natural spaces.

(Barcelona Provincial Council)


Barcelona Provincial Council prepares the competition to allocate pastures and pens for herds in the Calm Plan

The promotion of extensive livestock farming is one of the objectives of the Natural Park, which is carrying out a specific action plan to guarantee the preservation of this economic activity. The previous five-year contest has now ended.

(El 9 Nou)



#Managed forests


Minister Jordà announces an investment of 72 million euros in the new forest fire prevention plan 2022-2025

The goal is to prepare the forests of Catalonia to cope with the climate emergency and sixth generation fires.

(Government of Catalonia)


The imminent commercialization of Montseny's chestnut-producing trees confirms the recovery of production

The work of the project 'Selection of native material of the Castanea sativa species for fruit production in the Natural Park and Biosphere Reserve of Montseny' has borne fruit and, this 2022, two selected varieties of trees,

(L'Informatiu dels Parcs)



#Climate action


The Torres vineyards return to their origins

The century-old company is at the head of a movement to raise awareness in the sector and turn the vineyard into a large carbon sink.

(El País)


Trees return to agricultural crops

The European LIFE AgroForAdapt project wants to demonstrate that agroforestry systems are more productive and better able to withstand the inclement weather of the climate crisis. The project, lasting five years, is in its initial phase with the implementation of the first experiences in about 40 estates (which add up to more than 800 hectares in total) in Catalonia, Castile and Leon and Mediterranean France.

(La Vanguardia)


The forests of Catalonia accumulate as much CO2 as what we Catalans emit in 4.4 years

The high-resolution maps of Catalan forests describe variables such as stored carbon, the diameter and height of trees or the volume of wood.






The Agroecological Production students of Malgrat de Mar implement floral strips for the biological control of pests

These floral borders, about 50 centimeters high, are a natural agricultural resource that promotes the useful biodiversity of the area in order to eliminate pests or parasites that damage farming crops.

(Lower Tordera Agrarian Space)



#Generational relief


Catalonia thinks of new farming models to guarantee relief in the countryside

The agricultural test spaces promoted by BCN Smart Rural are among the initiatives highlighted in this article.




#Urban ecology


This is the futuristic greenhouse installed in Collserola

Students and researchers at Catalonia's Institute of Advanced Architecture create a facility to produce food both in the field and on building roofs.

(Tot Barcelona)


Agròpolis is born, a community public space that wants to transform the food system in Barcelona

Promoted by the City Council of Barcelona, the initiative aims to renew the relationship between farming and urban consumption, conduct research and promote and revise public food policies.




#Sustainable food systems


How can a Barcelona without farmers be sustainably fed?

The city draws up its food strategy conditioned by the loss of 80% of the surrounding agricultural land.




#Agro-food products of the territory


Calçots: a sweet and soft winter food that is grown in Lower Tordera Agrarian Space

This onion, traditionally consumed in festive and social settings during the famous calçotadas, is ready to eat at the end of December, and can be savored until the end of March or the beginning of April.

(Lower Tordera Agrarian Space)


Espigalls, the most indigenous cabbage of the Garraf

The Association of Espigalls del Garraf promotes the recovery of a traditional cultivation of the territory.

(Eix Diari)


These are the excellent «aliments» of Osona

For three years, the winning products of the 'Made in Osona' contest will act as ambassadors of county.

(Nació Digital)


The crochet bean: a unique legume indigenous to Lower Tordera Agrarian Space

The cultivation of this food with Protected Designation of Origin (PDO) is found in the area of Palafolls and Malgrat de Mar, where the climate is ideal for the good growth of this legume. This year, 55 hectares have been devoted to the cultivation of this variety and a total of 108,000 kilos have been harvested.

(Lower Tordera Agrarian Space)



#Proximity agri-food processing


The first Abattoir of the Spanish State officially starts in Berguedà

Co-financed by Barcelona Provincial Council and FEDER funds within the framework of the BCN Smart Rural strategy, the equipment supports small sheep and goat producers in Catalonia Central and favors extensive livestock farming.

(Barcelona Provincial Council)


The works of the first shared garden workshop face the final stretch

The space is located in the Puigmercadal market in Manresa and will allow farmers to transform the surplus product of their farms, as well as plan new crops dedicated entirely to these preparations. The project is part of the BCN Smart Rural strategy.

(Manresa Diari)



#Tradelocal and nearby


The Montserrat Rural Park will debut a Farmer's Market in the spring of 2022

This initiative, which aims to highlight the agricultural area, the products and services of the territory, has the support of Barcelona Provincial Council.

(Montserrat Rural Park)


Vic recovers the capital of the truffle

This year's edition of the Truforum was marked by the return to presence and more than 20 kg of fresh truffles were sold and consumed.

(Nació Digital)


Union of Farmers starts the Terra Pagesa project to bring local food closer to Barcelona

The pilot test, which began at the end of November and will last three months, consists of distributing the agricultural products of sixteen local garden producers to municipal markets in the county town.

(Lower Tordera Agrarian Space)


Barcelona's first cooperative supermarket opens

A group of partners launch Foodcoop, a cooperative supermarket based on a marketing model that comes from New York.

(El Nacional)



#Waste and food waste


The Lower Tordera Agrarian Space recovers 8,000 kilos of food with no commercial outlet during 2021

The days have been made possible thanks to volunteers from the Espigoladors Foundation. The amount of food collected represents a saving of 3,966 kilos of CO₂ emitted into the atmosphere and 5,250 m² of water.

(Lower Tordera Agrarian Space)



#Agrifood communication


The "Rural Histories" of the farmers of Montserrat Park

A series of videos is being produced with the aim of making visible the agricultural and livestock activity of Montserrat Rural Park.

(Montserrat Rural Park)


TV3 premieres the third season of "Market People" delving into the markets of Sant Sadurní d'Anoia, Barceloneta and Mollet del Vallès

The program continues to delve into the day-to-day life of the markets and hear the voices of the people who live in these spaces, those who sell, those who buy and those who pass by.



The documentary 'Flor i tavella' explains the tradition of growing the crocheted bean and claims the role of agriculture in Vallès Occidental

The audiovisual piece is the result of three years of work following the cultivation of the crocheted bean in the Vallès through its protagonists.

(County Council from Vallès Occidental)


Ruralcat launches the Horta virtual office

The aim of the new website is to establish itself as a single window where users can find all the information related to the garden sector.



The Conca d'Ódena Agricultural Park is starting a campaign to promote local trade

The aim of the project is to raise awareness among the population of the Ódena Basin about the reality of the agri-food production model and majority consumption and its problems and to foster a critical society.

(Anoia Info)


The catalog of Park to Table Experiences is renewed and expanded

The new edition expands proposals and gathers a total of forty-nine experiences in ten parks of the Natural Parks Network.

(L'Informatiu dels Parcs)



#Agrifood tourism


Lluçanès launches the Ruta de la Tòfona

You can take a guided tour of a plantation, a wine pairing or a tofu therapy treatment at a beauty center.

(Va de Gust)



#Agrifood innovation


Alt Penedès is betting on the digitization of the value chain of the agri-food sector

The 'Work, Talent and Technology' program of Barcelona Provincial Council promotes a powerful project that aspires to generate a great impact on the entire productive fabric and employment of county.

(RTV Vilafranca)


Legumes from the earth as a basis for new 'plant-based' products

A project led by IRTA will give value to fifty local varieties of legumes and dried fruit linked to Mediterranean gastronomic cultures to transform them into alternative products of vegetable origin. Examples are the ganxet bean, the Anoia chickpea and the Berguedà black pea, which will have a version in the form of a vegetable drink, probiotic gel or bakery flour.




#ubunto_89_agrarian ubunto


A Bages social project recovers dry stone constructions

The program unites owners of dry stone buildings, who want to restore them, with people who have been taught the trade.

(Territori Rural)



#Agrarian alerts


Cal Trabal will remain as an agricultural area

The land of the farmhouses bordering the Llobregat and the Bellvitge hospital will remain an agricultural area in the reformulation project of the Urban Master Plan (PDU) that is being drawn up by the Granvia Reform Consortium. The intention is for the zone to be public and managed by Lower Llobregat Agrarian Park.

(L'H Digital)


Environmental organizations denounce the reclassification of agricultural land as industrial land in Bages

The ecologists are asking for a model supra-municipal management agreement that allows the preservation of Mas Mollet and Camp de Lledoners in the face of the pretense of reclassifying them as industrial land.

(Territori Rural)


The mayors of Anoia take the lead against the MAT Valmuel-Begues

The eight affected mayors of Anoia meet to show their rejection and agree on their allegations against the 182-kilometer High Voltage line, which leaves Baix Cinca, in the Strip, and crosses the county.

(Territori Rural)





Sònia Callau: "We have to calculate what agricultural land we need to survive"

The coordinator of the BCN Smart Rural strategy calls for a map of Catalonia agricultural soils to determine which ones need to be protected.



Oriol Estela: "In 40 years, 40,000 hectares of agricultural land have been lost in the metropolitan region of Barcelona"

The coordinator of Barcelona's Metropolitan Strategic Plan looks to the future with hope: according to a study by the Metropolitan Area, 6,000 hectares could be recovered today.



Javier Retana: "Regenerative agriculture is not the best alternative, it is the only possible one"

The CREAF researcher talks about the LIFE Polyfarming project and the positive effects of regenerative agriculture.



Marc Palahí: "A city with forests has a positive impact on mental and physical health"

The director of the European Forest Institute believes that Barcelona can lead cities committed to forest protection



Roc Gramona: "Young people are looking for a story behind wine, a way of doing it"

Roc is the sixth generation of one of the great winemaking houses of the Penedès and, despite his youth, he has already become a benchmark in vine pruning.



Toni Sanllehí: "Els Bellots is the paradigm of the fight against climate change"

The spokesperson for "Tu ets entrontos Terrassa" talks about the struggle of this platform for the preservation of the agricultural and natural areas of Vallès Occidental.



Oriol Rovira: "Putting meat names on vegetable protein is a fraud"

The young farmer and rancher of Mas Terricabres admits that it is logical to tend to the reduction of meat consumption. However, he also advocates for local and quality meat.

(El 9 Nou)


Carolyn Steel: "Choosing to be a consumer over a person is death in life"

This architect has been warning for decades about the relationship between what we eat and the place we live. In this interview, the author of 'Sitopia' and 'Ciudades hambrientas', states that we are paying too high a price to be able to eat cheaply.

(El País)


Marc Talavera: "If we grow pixallits under the same productive and economic model, we will not have gained anything"

The president of the Eixarcolant collective invites us to rethink the agri-food system and defends a productive model based on the social and solidarity economy.



Pep Puig: "In times of so much rhetoric and empty messages, the words of the pastors are full of meaning"

The filmmaker has traveled the livestock route of Marina to make an exhibition that vindicates an all-too-forgotten trade.



Toni Massanés: "Eating well is a relationship between what is eaten and who eats it"

The general director of the Alicia Foundation points out what the food of the future will be like and what we as consumers should do to help meet the Sustainable Development Goals of the United Nations.



Miquel Solà: "Thanks to Montserrat Rural Park people have alternatives and can consume zero kilometer products"

The mayor of Collbató and president of the Montserrat Rural Park Association talks in this interview about where the project comes from and where it is going.

(Montserrat Rural Park)





The rush to get the big projects going

In this article, the head of Urban Planning and Landscape at Union of Farmers defends the importance of "saving farming from relocation". Otherwise, continues Maria Rovira, "the territory will become an agricultural theme park, but without farming".

(Territori Rural)


The blues of the Delta (of the Llobregat)

The founder of the Research Group on Agriculture, Livestock Farming and Food in Globalization (ARAG-UAB), Pep Espluga, makes visible in this article some of the most transformative dynamics taking place in the Delta.

(La Conca 5.1)


— BCN Smart Rural Editorial —

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