BCN Smart Rural Press Digest – From 5th to 31st January, 2023

The upcoming presentation of the eCOadapt50 project at the 5th Forum on the environment and the local world is one of the topics highlighted in the new BCN Smart Rural Press Digest.


The Barcelona Provincial Council will coordinate the eCOadapt50 project, an initiative that will focus on climate change adaptation in Catalonia.

The Barcelona Provincial Council will be leading the eCOadapt50 project, which is one of the main initiatives focusing on climate change adaptation in Catalonia. The project will be introduced during the 5th Forum on the Environment and the Local World, scheduled to be held in Mataró on February 28 and March 1. While some details will be presented at the forum, there are already some key points known. For instance, the project is co-financed by the European Commission's LIFE program with a budget of nearly 19 million euros. Additionally, its goal is to enhance the resilience of particularly vulnerable economic sectors, such as agriculture and tourism.

The aim is to gather accurate information about the impact of climate change in the following areas: decreased quantity and quality of water, more frequent heatwaves, higher risk of wildfires, reduced innovation, changes in agricultural productivity and product quality, loss of biodiversity, soil changes, coastal and sea level morphological changes, as well as reduced productivity in fishing.

More information in this link.


More agri-food news


#Sustainable food systems

How to produce healthy food at a fair price in the metropolitan area of Barcelona

The article takes stock of the Action Plan for sustainable food 2020-2023 of the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, an initiative which, among other effects, aims to contribute to expanding the area of crops in the area and consolidation of a network of local agricultural products.

(El País)


#Agriculture and nature

Why is the small county of Moianès a leader in the organic food industry?

The youngest county of Catalonia does not exceed 15,000 inhabitants, but its agri-food sector is very powerful, especially that related to organic production.

(El Teps)


#Generational renewal

Balance the country facing the countryside

The article argues that, in order to keep the rural territory alive, it is essential to stop its depopulation and provide it with services and tools that facilitate the generational transition. This is the case with test spaces.

(El Punt Avui)


Union of Farmers starts talks about agricultural awareness in the schools of Bages

The initiative, with the support of Barcelona Provincial Council, aims to let primary school children know about the agricultural sector and its importance in county.

(Nació Manresa)


#Entrepreneurship agrifood

Acció Climàtica approves aid for the first installation of young farmers and farmers of the 2022 call

A total of 212 files totaling €6.3M have been resolved favorably.

(Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda)


The County Council creates a Job Exchange for the Anoia Agri-Food Sector

With this new tool, we want to help companies in the sector, often small farms or self-employed professionals, in the search for the necessary professional profiles. And, on the other hand, we want to increase the perception, among young people or job seekers, that the agri-food sector is a good option for the future.



#Agricultural training

The first training module on modern animal traction is underway

The Catalan Animal Traction Association promotes this training to help plan the incorporation of horses and mules in the work of the land.



#Managed forests

An herd of sheep will return this spring to Collserola as a fire prevention measure

The bases for carrying out the tender for the pasture project on the Barcelona side of the Serra de Collserola are published.



Donkeys to prevent the risk of fires in Collserola

The pilot test in Can Domènech is a first step to assess the possibility that an herd of donkeys can alternate through the different forest spaces adjacent to the agricultural estates of the Collserola Park, under the supervision and care of the farmers.

(Tot Sant Cugat)


#Local trade

Barcelona promotes the European capital of Trade Proximity

The European Parliament has approved a proposal presented by Barcelona Tradei Vitrines d'Europe with the support of all the institutions and administrations of the territory.

(Barcelona City Council)


#Agrifood communication

New series of videos that tell the story of companies affiliated to 'Parc a Taula'

This Barcelona Provincial Council program highlights the Network of Natural Parks through gastronomy, with the involvement of producers, processors, wineries, accommodation and restaurants rooted in the territory.

(Land Products Network)


The launch of 'Local Production', an IRTA podcast on food, science and sustainability

It consists of six episodes, in which, based on projects, initiatives and realities in Barcelona, some global challenges are addressed and how to deal with them through research.



Manresa green cabbage has its own guide

It is a product grown by the majority of farmers in the territory and can be found in local markets and restaurants that work with local produce.

(Regió 7)


#Rural life

Data from the Rural World Observatory 2022 are published

This set of annual indicators makes it possible to grasp at a glance the dynamism of the Catalan rural world and its evolution with respect to the urban one.




A young farmer in defense of life

In the heart of Osona we find Mas Les Vinyes, a farm that is much more than a work cooperative dedicated to producing sustainable food. It is also the home of Ariadna Tremoleda, a woman firmly committed to the environment and the fight against climate change.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Paloma Fuentes: «I chose this life to be more free»

Mas la Datzira, in the Marfà de Castellcir valley, hosts a transformative agricultural and livestock initiative. Its promoters arrived from Barcelona and Granollers and have been living off the land for two decades.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Nil Puig: « I demand a farm with decent working conditions, forty hours a week and holidays »

At Hort del Puig they have worked hard to recover an agricultural estate that had not been cultivated for a generation. Nil Puig is the driving force behind this young company from Castellbell and Vilar, an agroecological project located within the Montserrat Rural Park.

(BCN Smart Rural)


The pioneer of edible roofs

At ninety-nine years old, Joan Carulla is one of the great figures of urban agriculture in Barcelona. A veteran environmentalist and naturist, he promotes the urgent revitalization of cities and does so with consistency of action and word. The garden he tends on the roof of the apartment building where he lives is a paradise of biodiversity that rises above a cement chasm.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Laia Batalla: «From the School of Shepherds and Pastors we have the mission of guaranteeing the generational relay of livestock farming extended to Catalonia»

The director of the School of Shepherds and Pastors of Catalonia reviews the tools offered by her institution to guarantee the generational relief of the extensive livestock farming.



Martí Boada: «Here, more forests means much less water»

Interview with this doctor in Environmental Sciences, geographer and naturalist co-author of forty books.



Alba Rojas: « We must know how to transform and adapt the cooperative model to the new socio-economic realities »

The coordinator of the Central Cooperative University of Catalonia highlights the need to promote the Social and Solidarity Economy in the rural areas of Catalonia.



Jordi Llobet: «The success of show cooking is to show people that cooking is easy»

The chef grew up between the stoves of the restaurant El Cingle de Vacarisses, where his parents worked, and is currently considered a benchmark in Catalan cuisine.

(Montserrat Rural Park)



— BCN Smart Rural Editorial —

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