BCN Smart Rural Press Digest – From 4th March to 5th April, 2022

The recovery of sheep herds in Barcelona is one of the topics highlighted in the latest BCN Smart Rural Press Digest.



Barcelona will recover the sheep herds

From this spring, seeing herds of sheep and goats grazing in the woods and paths of the Barcelona side of Collserola will become common thanks to a pilot test authorized by the City Council of Barcelona with the support of the Collserola Park Consortium .

The pasture pilot test will last three months and will be carried out in the vicinity of the Font del Gos neighborhood, in Horta-Guinardó, with the aim of clearing the undergrowth of forest areas and thus reducing the likelihood of fire. Currently, this task is done mechanically with brush cutters, a much less sustainable option.

The featured news article is available at this link.



More agri-food news


#Livestock Farming and nature


The extensive livestock farming revolution arrives in Barcelona

On International Day of Forests, we highlight the work of some of the people who work every day to conserve a natural heritage that we all enjoy.

(BCN Smart Rural)


#Managed forests


The loss of agroforestry mosaic landscape in the last 60 years favors the spread of forest fires in the municipalities of Barcelona

According to the study ' A prova de foc ', only 78 of the 311 municipalities in the province enjoy a mosaic landscape, which represents 25% of the total, while the number of municipalities with a continuous forest landscape it has gone from 104 to 193, which means an increase of 84% in sixty-two years.

(Barcelona Provincial Council)




Eixarcolant will recover traditional varieties of fruit trees through the creation of an arboretum

During this spring, all the individual mother-trees corresponding to the traditional varieties to be recovered will be located and during the summer the grafts will be carried out.

(Territori Rural)


#Generational Renewal


Barcelona Provincial Council and Catalonia Pastors' School work together to welcome the new generation of pastoralists

The collaboration begins with a day organized with the aim of exploring the new opportunities that are being generated in the sector.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Three out of four new farmers are men

This is clear from the data published in the Youth Observatory of the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda.



The peasantry that ends

The generational succession model in the rural world is in crisis and many farms do not know what future awaits them when the current generation ends. What future awaits farming if young people do not want to dedicate themselves to it? What will happen to farmers, ranchers or fishermen who are about to retire and do not have a successor to continue the family business? We discover three stories of generational relief in the rural world.





3 women who lead the way

In Barcelona's province, only 25% of agricultural holdings are managed by women. This is a reality that needs to be transformed if we want to achieve a more sustainable, close and inclusive food model.

(BCN Smart Rural)


#Agro-food products of the territory


The number of local and quality product companies in Barcelona's province has increased by more than 20% in the last five years

Barcelona Provincial Council has identified 1,335 companies in province that work with local products.

(Barcelona Provincial Council)


#Proximity agri-food transformation


The agro-food sector of Anoia asks county for a slaughterhouse

This is one of the conclusions that emerges from a study that analyzes in depth the needs of the group linked to food.

(Regió 7)


#Tradelocal and nearby


The local product gains prominence in the shopping basket of Catalans and in the distribution offer

The Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda presents the ' Mapping on the consumption and marketing of local and nearby agri-food products ' which measures the market value of local food.

(Government of Catalonia)


#Waste and food waste


Mercabarna inaugurates Foodback, a pioneering center in food recovery

The aim of the new equipment is to increase the use of fruit and vegetables that are not marketable, but are suitable for human consumption. Specifically, it aspires to multiply food utilization in Mercabarna by 2.5 in 5 years, going from the 1,000-1,500 tons of products currently recovered to 3,000-4,000 tons.

(City Council from Barcelona)


The Espigoladors Foundation: a local solution to promote food utilization

The problem of food loss and waste can be approached from multiple perspectives. The Espigoladors Foundation understands it as a consequence of the industrialized agri-food system that prevails today and that is so far removed from sustainability and resilience.



Recovered food: the experience of the Food Bridge

Pont Alimentari is an initiative of Banc de Recursos i Rezero to reduce waste by taking advantage of surpluses from supermarkets, catering and restaurants.



#Communication and agri-food marketing


The new farming cooperatives star in the first of the BCN Smart Rural Stories

This series of short films gives voice to the people who are leading the way towards a healthier and more sustainable agri-food system in the Barcelona regions.



The Conca d'Ódena Agricultural Park creates a badge to identify its local product

The objective of the implementation of this seal is that consumers can easily identify the products produced, elaborated and transformed from raw materials in this territorial area.

(Anoia Info)


The Gastronomic March bets on Lower Llobregat Agrarian Park products

El Prat is the capital of an event that will last until April 18.

(El Baix)


Prodeca organizes the II Catalan Food Forum

The conference, which this year has recovered the face-to-face format, has had the participation of more than 350 companies, agents and professionals from the Catalan agri-food sector.

(Territori Rural)


#Agro-food training


The Manresa Agricultural School will launch a new higher education cycle to train in agroecology and climate action

The institution is firmly committed to providing society with people who have management and advocacy skills, not only in the field of the agricultural estate, but also in rural communities, to make them stronger, more resilient, more sustainable and more solidarity



#Agrarian alerts


Unió de Pagesos opposes the Agroparc Penedès project promoted by the Ametller Group

The union warns that the plan would put excessive pressure on neighboring natural spaces, in addition to breaching several aspects included in the Agricultural Spaces Act.

(El Nacional)




Teresa Jordà: "We must guarantee generational succession in the countryside because we cannot run out of farmers"

The Minister for Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda talks about the importance of promoting an livestock farming that is more respectful of animals, the environment and people.

(Territori Rural)


Alba Rojas: «Cooperation is the essence of life»

The coordinator of the Ateneu Cooperative de la Catalonia Central explains the new associative models currently being promoted by the new peasantry.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Carles Xifra: "Ubunto_30_ubunto is a great field of learning that allows us to understand what makes food sustainable"

The director of the 'Menja, Actua, Impacta'" exhibition and head of innovation at Fundesplai vindicates the political and public commitment to a zero kilometer and seasonal product.

(City Council del Prat de Llobregat)


Martina Marcet: "I believe in an livestock farming with a relationship of trust between animals and humans"

The sociologist and rancher from La Nou de Berguedà is one of the most visible faces of the rural feminist movement.

(El País)


Valentina Muñoz: "Everything a shepherd can do, a shepherdess can do"

This dairy goat herder in Sant Vicenç de Castellet is also the protagonist of one of the Rural Histories videos.

(Montserrat Rural Park)


Jordi Valls: "To feed 10,000 million, you need proximity and technology"

The director of Mercabarna maintains that the fight against climate change is not possible without an evolution in the world of food.

(El País)


Ada Parellada: "We have stripped the food of all its value, we have reduced it to the price"

The cook and director of the Semproniana restaurant is recognized for her involvement in the utilization of food and the cultural change towards the recovery of the value of food.



Julio Basulto: "The supermarket is a food ambush"

The nutritionist and author of 'Come shit' criticizes the current food system and defends a diet based on proximity and vegetables.



Marc Puig-Pey: "It is important to know where the meat we buy comes from and that it is local"

The chef and kitchen manager of the Alicia Foundation, is the author of the new guide 'Goat, easy and healthy recipes'.

(Montserrat Rural Park)


Inés Butrón: "I want to be a conscious, free and sovereign consumer"

The author of the book 'Ramadere women, 36 glimpses of the future of an ancestral trade' wants to go to the root of our food




Red carpet for the new peasantry

The agro-social consultant Neus Monllor argues in this article that the agrarian relief is a challenge that directly affects all the people who eat every day.



#Books and publications


'The adventure of being a farmer' by BCN Smart Rural

This new guide aims to help new farmers to start businesses in the agricultural sector.

(Barcelona Provincial Council)


'Goat, easy and healthy recipes' from Montserrat Rural Park

The publication is not only aimed at the final consumer but also at farmers who want to sell their product through direct sales, so that they have the tools to explain the qualities of a meat that is so present in the rural park but little known.

(Montserrat Rural Park)


'Forest conservation by forest owners' by Jordi Salbanya

Arenys de Mar's lawyer proposes to modify the Catalan forestry legislation to allow the recovery of farmhouses and rural houses in exchange for the owners managing the forest green.

(La Vanguardia)



— BCN Smart Rural Editorial —

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