Food Processing Facilites


Co-funded by the Barcelona Provincial Council and the ERDF funds as part of the BCN Smart Rural strategy, the facility supports small sheep and goat farmers in Central Catalonia…


This pioneering and innovative facility has been launched by the Diputació de Barcelona as part of the BCN Smart Rural strategy, with support from the Rural Initiatives…


This StoryMaps explores the range of shared agri-food processing facilities and abattoirs in the province of Barcelona.


In this newsletter, you will find, among other interesting articles, an interview with Pilar Martínez, coordinator of sustainable food projects at the Daniel and Nina Carasso…


Of these, five facilities have been created within the framework of the BCN Smart Rural, an intelligent agrarian development project promoted by the Barcelona Provincial Council…


The technical director of the Lluçanès Consortium tells us about the Alpens collective cheese dairy, a pioneering facility in Catalonia that is integrated into the BCN Smart Rural…


The coordinator of sustainable food projects at the Daniel and Nina Carasso Foundation is a person passionate about her work. We wanted to interview her to find out her thoughts…


This is fundamental equipment to move towards healthier and more sustainable food systems in the county.


Installed in a truck, it will debut in September and will serve sheep and goat farmers in Bages, Berguedà, Moianès, and Osona.