Agroforestry Mosaic


Out of the 135 fires that took place in the province this summer, only a few were located on farmland.


The young rancher from Can Còdol looks after his home forests with passion and wisdom, fusing tradition and innovation in the Montserrat Rural Park.


A look at the state of the agroforestry mosaic in the province of Barcelona.


On International Day of Forests, we showcase the dedication of individuals working tirelessly to preserve our natural heritage for all to cherish.


Among other interesting topics, in this newsletter, we analyze the state of the agroforestry mosaic in the Barcelona region. In addition, we interviewed Jaume Minguell, the person…


The loss of agroforestry landscape in favour of a homogenized landscape based on continuous tree masses is widespread and endangers the territory's forests.


The action envisages the reintroduction of livestock farming in new 160 hectares that are spread over fourteen farms in Berguedà, Moianès and Osona.


The head of the wildfire prevention strategy at the Barcelona Provincial Council talks about the importance of preserving the agroforestry mosaic to prevent forests from burning.


The participants highlight their concern for the recovery of the mosaic landscape and the diversification in agrosilvopastoral production.