

The agrarian space emphasizes the importance of collective agri-food transformation facilities to boost the primary sector and value local food in its presentation video.


Out of the 135 fires that took place in the province this summer, only a few were located on farmland.


In a significant collaborative effort, the corporation is spearheading a comprehensive initiative for the restoration of the agroforestry landscape and fire prevention. A total of…


The young rancher from Can Còdol looks after his home forests with passion and wisdom, fusing tradition and innovation in the Montserrat Rural Park.


The accession represents a decisive boost for the recovery of unused cultivation fields in Anoia.


Livestock farmer Xavier Quirante, the beneficiary of the first pilot test to control herds via mobile phone and eliminate electric fences, has been awarded as a finalist in the…


Mas La Datzira, a farm located in the Marfà Valley, in the municipality of Castellcir, is home to a transformative agricultural and livestock project. Its instigators, originally…


The new Strategic Plan for extensive livestock farming in Catalonia is a highlighted topic in the latest BCN Smart Rural Press Digest.


Between 1956 and 2018, the agricultural area of the demarcation has been reduced by 120,500 hectares, an area similar to the extension of Barcelonès, Baix Llobregat and Alt…