Tatiana Segura, Can Rasca Orella. PATXI URIZ | DIPUTACIÓ DE BARCELONA

Women, an emerging figure in the agricultural sector of the province of Barcelona

In the province of Barcelona, 25% of new incorporations into the sector are led by women. This is an encouraging reality that is sought to be strengthened to achieve a more sustainable, local, and inclusive food model.

On the occasion of International Women’s Day, we want to highlight the role of women in the agricultural sector of the province of Barcelona, where they represent 19% of the holders of farms, according to the 2020 Agricultural Census. This percentage represents an increase from the 15% recorded in the previous census of 2009, and demonstrates the growing prominence of women in a traditionally male-dominated field.

Women lead 1,613 agricultural holdings in the province of Barcelona, with a Total Standard Production (PET) of 107,462,192 euros, which represents 10% of the total PET in the area. The main productive orientations of the agricultural enterprises directed by women are cereals, with 506 holdings; vineyards, with 419; livestock, with 286; and vegetable gardens, with 137.

The average age of women who hold agricultural holdings in the province is 62 years, three more than men. However, it is worth noting that 9% of the women leading agricultural enterprises are 40 years old or younger, which represents 140 holdings. These data reflect the incorporation of young women into the agricultural sector of the area, which in the period 2015-2022 has been 25% of the total new peasantry under 40 years old, according to data from El Planter. In addition, 43% of the women who have applied for first installation aid have opted for organic farming, a productive modality that is increasingly in demand and socially recognized.

«From the Barcelona Provincial Council, we want to recognize and thank the work of the women who work in the agricultural sector of the province of Barcelona, and claim their fundamental role for the economic, social, and environmental development of the territory. Women are an essential pillar for the preservation of the landscape, biodiversity, culture, and rural traditions, and for ensuring food security and the quality of life of the citizens», explains Sònia Callau, head of the Agrarian Territorial Directorate and coordinator of the BCN Smart Rural program.


BCN Smart Rural Editorial

Alba Casasayas, pagesa de Les Arnaules. PATXI URIZ | DIPUTACIÓ DE BARCELONA
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In the Barcelona region, only 25% of agricultural holdings are managed by women. This is a reality that needs to be transformed if we want to achieve a more sustainable, local, and inclusive food model.

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