Resum de Premsa BCN Smart Rural – De l’1 de febrer al 7 de març de 2023

BCN Smart Rural Press Digest — From 1st September to 9th October 2023

The announcement of the launch of the Land Registry of Catalonia is one of the topics highlighted in the new BCN Smart Rural Press Digest.



The Land Registry of Catalonia is launched to recover abandoned crops and pastures

The Generalitat de Catalunya has created the Land Registry of Catalonia to try to reduce abandoned agricultural areas to avoid depopulation in the territory and improve the viability of the agricultural sector and food self-sufficiency in Catalonia. The Government promotes this tool to identify plots that are abandoned or in danger of being so to have a wider agricultural area in Catalonia.

The focus of the new tool is also on guaranteeing the sustainable management of the environment and facilitating the incorporation of new people into agricultural activity to favour generational succession and the sizing of professional holdings that need it.

The featured news article is available at this link.



More agri-food news



#Food strategies


Mataró presents its Food Chart

During the autumn, the City Council has scheduled a series of free proposals to publicize the Mataró Food Chart.



Europe can never be sustainable if it does not change and reduce food consumption

The excessive importation of foreign food and animal products is driving the continent away from the goals of the Green Deal, according to a new study.



#Agricultural parks


Young leaders from the Mediterranean explore the importance of reclaiming farmland in the Montserrat Rural Park

The visit was carried out as part of the BCN Smart Rural programs of the Provincial Council of Barcelona and the Young Leaders program of the European Forestry Institute.

(BCN Smart Rural)


#Land banks


"There are structural factors that make access to land impossible"

The Terra Franca association, which put new farmers in contact with land owners, is closing after ten years of activity.




#Agriculture and nature


The districts of Barcelona have 55,000 hectares of recoverable land for crops

A new analysis report from the Diputació de Barcelona reveals the agricultural potential hidden in the province's municipalities.

(BCN Smart Rural)


The farming community of Collserola values the first edition of the Agrarian Contract

The Serra de Collserola Natural Park Consortium has drawn up the evaluation report of the Collserola 2022 Agricultural Contract as part of the Alimentem Collserola project.

(Barcelona City Council)


Organic production in Catalonia in times of climate change: challenges and adaptation

In this article, organic production is presented as a key alternative to face the challenges of climate change and promote agricultural sustainability.



#Livestock and nature


The Barcelona Provincial Council celebrates 15 years of the Shepherds' School of Catalonia 

The institution is the training benchmark for young livestock farmers throughout the territory and has received quantitative and qualitative support from the Barcelona Provincial Council since 2018.

(BCN Smart Rural)


From Cerdanya to Penedès, the path of the herd's return to the plain

A shepherd and his flock will cross Catalonia from September 9 to October 1.

(Regió 7)


#Managed forests


The forest fire prevention and information campaign of the Barcelona Provincial Council closes this year with 132 fires and 15 hectares burned

The Forest Fire Information and Surveillance Plan (PVI) of the Barcelona Provincial Council has closed this year's campaign - which took place from June 21 to August 31 - with 132 forest fires, which have burned 15 hectares of Barcelona towns. This figure is much lower than in 2022, when, in the province, 174 fires were declared affecting 2,065 hectares, the majority due to the fire in the municipal area of Pont de Vilomara and Rocafort.

(Barcelona Provincial Council)


The landscape of the future

This technical article talks about the evolution and challenges of Catalan forests and landscapes, and their future management.



A study shows that forest management protects forests from droughts

It is the work of the Forest Management Group of the CTFC and the University of Lleida.

(Regió 7)


#Urban gardens


The Regreen urban garden project arrives in l'Hospitalet to raise awareness of the importance of using regenerated water

Aigües de Barcelona, Cetaqua and l'Hospitalet City Council have today inaugurated a pilot garden that promotes the use of alternative water resources.





The unprecedented harvest amid drought gives farmers clues about how to grow crops in the future

The vegetable growing area in Barcelona saves the harvest thanks to wells and regenerated water.

(El Periódico)




Abadal Arboset, the great Catalan wine that came out of an abandoned centenary vat

The Abadal winery adapts an artisanal method by recovering indigenous grape varieties in buildings that were on the verge of disappearing.

(El País)


#Agrarian generational renewal


The Barcelona Provincial Council makes a new dive into the future of farming

In a day of reflection and debate with experts held yesterday at the Montserrat Rural Park, the corporation delved into the elaboration of the Action Plan for the Agrarian Relief of the Barcelona counties.

(BCN Smart Rural)


#Agrifood innovation


Scientists study the agriculture of Maresme county to contribute to improving policies for reducing pesticides

A study by the UOC vindicates the great knowledge of technicians and techniques about the dynamics of the areas in which they work.



#Agrifood marketing


The wine tourism offer of the counties of Barcelona, on l'Illa Diagonal with proposals for the whole family

Sensory science, children's constructions, photocall and raffles are some of the activities that the Barcelona Provincial Council has offered in the shopping centre from September 18 to 23. The objective: to make visitors aware of the province's wine tourism.

(Barcelona Provincial Council)


#Agro-food training


Pre-registration is now open for the 9th Expert Course in artisan cheese-making

The training will start on January 15 and end on May 8. It will take place at the Lluçanès Consortium, in Sta. Creu de Jutglar, and El Quall, Lluçanès Collective Cheese, in the village of Alpens.

(Lluçanès Consortium)


#Agrifood entrepreneurship


Engrana, a new aid program for women entrepreneurs in the agri-food sector

The Consorci del Lluçanès collaborates with the Engrana project, designed to support projects led by women who are dedicated to the production of agri-food and natural products. The initiative aims to provide essential advice, tools and knowledge to enhance these women entrepreneurs' business management and female leadership skills.

(Lluçanès Consortium)


#Agrarian alerts


Union of Farmers and Environmentalists fear a change in rules in the Baix Llobregat Agrarian Park

The town councils of Viladecans, Gavà and Sant Boi de Llobregat propose to make the regulation more flexible to create an agri-food centre, but Unió de Pagesos believes that modifying the special plan for the protection of the agricultural park "opens the door to speculation".

(La Vanguàrdida)


Union of Farmers demands that the blue roads are not an obstacle to agricultural activity

The union presents allegations in the second phase of the project that affect the counties of Anoia, Baix Llobregat and Bages.

(Regió 7)


80% of farmers do not feel valued and more than 50% plan to fold before 2030

A situation added to the unattractiveness of this job among young people, who do not see it as a possibility for the future, according to a survey by the University of Lleida.

(Nació Digital)




The Generalitat de Catalunya is calling for a new subsidy line that brings together gastronomy, tourism and culture

Municipalities with less than 150,000 inhabitants may apply for these grants that support the programming of live arts shows of a professional nature at events of agro-tourism interest.

(Government of Catalonia)




Dídac Valera: "People shape the country's agricultural policy with their purchase decisions"

Dídac Valera and his brother belong to a farming family that has been working the land for more than a century. His horticultural business is a constant source of innovation, adapting day after day to meet the needs of the community it serves.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Glòria Roig: "I really like being my own boss"

Glòria Roig is an agronomist and farmer who, for eight years, has been cultivating organic aromatic herbs in Lluçanès. Recently, it has expanded its activity to also include hops.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Josep Soms: "Climate change and drought are a reality that is here to stay"

The farmer of the Espai Agrari de la Baixa Tordera explains the strategies he implements to deal with the drought.

(Agrarian Area of Baixa Tordera)


Pep Riera: "Now the land is for speculating, not for working it"

The former historical leader of the Union of Farmers proudly remembers the struggles of the past. But when he points to the future, his smile crumbles.

(El Crític)


Joan Casals: "Agriculture has physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology, genetics... and even poetry"

The deputy director of the School of Agricultural and Biosystems Engineering, responsible for Agropolis, is an agricultural engineer and tomato expert.



Alfons Planas: "Catalonia has 75% of its territory ambushed, but neglected"

The 74-year-old agricultural entrepreneur was mayor of Montseny between 1983 and 2018 and now chairs the Association of Cattle Breeders and Farmers of Montseny (Aram).

(El 9 Nou)


Josep Maria Saurí: "Before the drought, a truckload of alfalfa was worth around 1,500 euros, now it's worth more than 3,000"

The owner of Can Terrades, in the Batllòria de Sant Celoni, is a founding member of the Association of Pastors of Montnegre and El Corredor.

(El 9 Nou)


Ada Parellada: "With half of what is thrown away we could fight hunger"

El Crític talks about waste and thrifty cooking with the cook at the Semproniana restaurant.

(El Crític)




"When I grow up, I want to be a shepherd"

In this opinion piece, journalist Laura Serrat addresses the question of how children's professional aspirations have changed over time and reflects on the little interest children show in traditional professions such as farming or shepherding. The author considers that the lack of vocations in the rural world can have negative consequences for the agricultural and livestock sector, together with other factors such as difficulties in accessing land and bureaucratic problems.

(Regió 7)


A country of forests

Oriol Junqueras, president of Esquerra Republicana de Catalunya, defends in this article that it is necessary to establish a new vision, discourse and alliance around the ecological and economic management of Catalonia's forest mass.

(El Crític)


— BCN Smart Rural Editoral —

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