Resum de Premsa BCN Smart Rural – De l’1 de febrer al 7 de març de 2023

BCN Smart Rural Press Digest – From 3rd June to 1st July 2023

The 25th anniversary of Lower Llobregat Agrarian Park is one of the highlights in the new BCN Smart Rural Press Digest.


The Lower Llobregat Agrarian Park, 25 years at the service of the peasantry

This month, a quarter of a century ago, the first agricultural space managed in Catalonia was officially established. Firmly committed to the preservation of agricultural activity, the environment and local food production, the agricultural park is a success story in the rural heart of Lower Llobregat.

In addition, this year we celebrate 30 years since the formal definition of the concept of "Agricultural Park", recognized in the report of the Nature Protection Council of Government of Catalonia on July 1, 1993, within the framework of the Territorial Plan General of Catalonia. This management figure has turned out to be very useful for the farmers of the Barcelona districts and for agricultural areas in general, arousing the interest of numerous institutions both nationally and internationally. Over the years, the agricultural park has received many visits and has been invited to participate in conferences, seminars and congresses around the world, which shows a great interest in learning about its management and development model.

The featured news article is available at this link.



More agri-food news


#Livestock Farming and nature

Parks and Gardens advises against grazing sheep in Collserola due to the drought

The sheep that were supposed to start grazing in Collserola will not do so until autumn due to drought conditions and high temperatures.

(Barcelona City Council)


#Managed forests

The Provincial Council's Fire Information and Surveillance Plan launches a new model with the ADF

This year's PVI, with a budget of around two million euros and a territorial scope of more than 645,000 agroforestry hectares, has the collaboration of 275 councils, 124 forest defense groups (ADF), 9 ADF federations of the territory, the Secretariat of Federations and ADF of Catalonia and other administrations. The new model starts in Alt Penedès, Garraf and Vallès Occidental and further separates the surveillance functions from the information tasks to reduce the chances of fire in the forest.

(Barcelona Provincial Council)


Foc Off, the new information campaign against the risk of fire

The new informative campaign against the risk of fire by Government of Catalonia and Barcelona Provincial Council emphasizes the need to prevent and avoid fires caused by human action.

(Barcelona Provincial Council)


Pastures to put out the big fires

The Ramats de Foc project seeks to reduce the risk of fire in key areas through the extensive livestock farming.



More than 1,700 sheep and goats avoid fires around Terrassa

The surroundings of the city have different herds anti-incendi that graze in peri-urban and wooded areas to clean forest strips. Between Terrassa and the natural park of Sant Llorenç alone, more than 1,700 head of cattle graze there.

(Diari de Terrassa)


#Urban gardens

The social and community gardens of Manresa begin a new stage together

Driven by the Municipality, this initiative aims to link the eight horticultural projects of the Bages capital to encourage learning about agriculture and promote mutual support and group cohesion.

(Nació Manresa)



The guardians of the traditional Catalan seed

Matilde, Isabel and Pere know well what delicious hanging tomatoes, cabbages or melons are because they have selected the best seeds for decades.




Recommendations for better water management in orchards, hedgerows and gardens

Parcs i Jardins de l'City Council de Barcelona has published a guide of recommendations to improve water management in orchards, hedgerows and both public and private gardens, in the current context of drought.

(Barcelona City Council)


#Agro-food products of the territory

Protecting the Mirabolan plum means defending the land and the gastronomy of Catalonia

The unique fruit in Catalonia is in danger, but a restaurateur from Sant Vicenç dels Horts wants to preserve its history.

(El Nacional)


#Agricultural transformation

The facilitator figure is born in the Undo Room of Montserrat Rural Park

The Sala de Desfer de Marganell El Tall will promote a pilot test, incorporating the figure of a facilitator, to start working together with livestock farmers and be able to open the shared workshop to future users.

(Montserrat Rural Park)



Bet to advance in the agricultural sector with technological innovations

A meeting, organized by Farming Cooperative de Viladecans, Agrotech-UPC and City Council de Viladecans, makes clear the need to modernize the sector to facilitate the work of farmers and improve production to make it more profitable and sustainable.

(La Premsa del Baix)


#Agrifood communication

Catalonia will be a World Gastronomy Region in 2025

Catalonia will be a World Gastronomy Region in 2025. This was announced by Government of Catalonia in an event held this month in the gardens of Palau Robert in Barcelona which was attended by some of the most renowned chefs of Catalan cuisine and representatives of the agricultural, livestock and fishing sectors.



The Montserrat Rural Park premieres a promotional video with two women as protagonists

The video stars two entrepreneurial women from the Park, Maria Rovira, organic farmer, and Valentina Muñoz, dairy goat herder. From the Park, two women have been chosen as representatives of the peasantry, to give voice to the largely forgotten in the agricultural sector, because it is a very masculinized sector that often makes invisible the key role and contribution of women women in agricultural companies, in the agricultural sector and in the rural world as a whole.

(Montserrat Rural Park)



A designer's passion for community horticulture

Isabel Simó grew up in Ullastrell, in Vallès Occidental, where she now co-promotes a community garden project with her partner that has the active collaboration of a dozen more people.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Ricard Huguet: «Agriculture is beautiful, but we can't make it romantic»

Ricard Huguet has been in charge of the Horta de les Casetes for twelve years, in Sant Pere de Ribes (Garraf), where he cultivates almost a hectare of organic vegetable garden.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Salvi Safont: «The farmer always loves the land: it is the last thing he leaves»

The Masia Can Salvi, located in the Espai Rural Gallecs, is the seat of a family agricultural project with almost a century of history. Salvi Safont is its current pillar, a man in his eighties who continues to grow cereals and pulses organically.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Montse Marcé: « Being a farmer you are free and you have the best master: la terra»

La sínia Pujadas is a family agricultural company located in Vilanova i la Geltrú and linked to the Parc del Garraf. One of his souls is Montse Marcé, from a peasant family, who has always kept alive his passion for cultivating the land, despite the adversities he has had to overcome.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Anna Puig: "The shared workshop in El Quall has allowed me to have my own project and a cheese factory"

Interview with the young cheesemaker from La Petita Ànima, where she explains her project and everything that being an entrepreneur in the primary sector entails.

(Montserrat Rural Park)


Joan Vilamú: "Management must be carried out to lighten and spong the forests"

The Head of the Natural Environment and Territory Service of the Serra de Collserola Natural Park Consortium details the campaign against fires.

(Sant Cugat Media)


Carlo Petrini: "Politicizing food is key to combating the environmental disaster"

It's been just over a year since Petrini left the presidency of the Slow Food movement, but his philosophy remains intact amid an unprecedented climate crisis and skyrocketing food prices.




The book "Cuisine, society and nature in Montseny". Reserva de la Biosphere”, edited by Barcelona Provincial Council, receives the Gourmand 2023 award

The Gourmands are awards founded in 1995 by Édouard Cointreau to reward the best books on gastronomy from around the world.

(Barcelona Provincial Council)



Why produce food if we can buy it outside?

Economist Francesc Reguant explains that the small cultivated area per capita in Catalonia forces the population to fill the pantry with what others produce.

(Via Empresa)


— BCN Smart Rural Editorial —

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