Resum de Premsa BCN Smart Rural – De l’1 de febrer al 7 de març de 2023

BCN Smart Rural Press Digest – From 8th April to 2nd May, 2022

The continued growth of organic agricultural production in Catalonia is one of the prominent themes in the new BCN Smart Rural Press Digest.



The number of Catalan organic producers increases by more than 11% during the year 2021

The latest report on the ecological agricultural production of Catalonia, presented jointly by the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda of the Government of Catalonia and the CCPAE, provides hopeful data on the present of nature-friendly agriculture. According to this study, Catalonia increased the number of organic producers by 11% during 2021, while the organic area grew by 5.33%, reaching almost 270,686 hectares. Of these, 57,283 ha correspond to productive crops. The others, on the surface of pastures, meadows and forests.

In this sector, the growth of the organic cultivation of dried fruit (+17.98%), vines (+14.32%) and fallow, green manure and waste land (+11.78%) should be highlighted. Olive trees have also grown significantly (+8.97%), cereals and pulses for grain (+7.35%) and, to a lesser extent, vegetables (+5.79%). The majority subsector in crops is the vineyard, with almost half of the surface.

The report on organic agricultural production in Catalonia is available here , while the data can be downloaded from this link.



More agri-food news


#Agriculture and nature

3 farmers who take care of the land

In Barcelona's province, 15% of the cultivated area is organic. On International Earth Day, we talked about three farmers who are convinced of the importance of practicing agriculture that is more environmentally friendly.

(BCN Smart Rural)


#Managed forests

The 2022 Forest Fire Information and Surveillance Plan is approved

The document provides that the campaign will begin on June 21 and end on September 1. There will be 93 mobile units of informants and 15 lookout points that will be coordinated from six control centers. In total, the PVI will mobilize 260 people and has a budget of €1,973,700.

(Barcelona Provincial Council)


Donkeys will also graze on Collserola to reduce the risk of forest fires

A grazing project with donkeys in the Collserola mountain range as a fire prevention measure gets funding after the pilot test with sheep in Horta-Guinardó.




Ancestral grape varieties

For nearly 40 years, Família Torres has been recovering varieties that resisted phylloxera and now they see that they are a great hope for making wine in an uncertain climatic future.



#Generational Renewal

Why being young and a farmer is an (almost) impossible mission

Graphs and data that explain the causes of the lack of relief in Catalan farming: only 9.5% of farmers are young and, on the contrary, 66% are already over 55 years old.




Agri-food, the first economic sector of Catalonia

The agri-food sector represents 19% of GDP and is consolidating as the most important in the Catalan economy. As a whole, the agri-food sector generates an aggregate turnover of €43,088 M and employs 177,031 workers, according to the study 'The agri-food sector in Catalonia' , prepared by ACCIÓ and Prodeca.



#Agrifood marketing

Barcelona Wine Week is consolidating itself as the meeting point for wine professionals

20% of the visitors were foreigners, mainly Europeans and Americans, from 79 countries and 470 international buyers from strategic markets for the State's wine exports.

(Territori Rural)


#Agro-food training

The Agricultural Schools open the registration period for the 2022-2023 academic year

The studies at the Agricultural Schools are characterized by offering personalized, practical professional training that is constantly adapted to the new trends and needs of the sector. Pre-registration for higher education courses will take place until May 31.

(Territori Rural)


#Agrarian alerts

The cultivation of Gavà's traditional asparagus, on a tightrope

He is responsible for 25% of the asparagus production in this Baix Llobregat municipality and is looking for someone to buy his farm before he retires.




Marc Talavera: "We want to recover the past to transform the future"

Igualadí is one of the protagonists of the first of the 'BCN Smart Rural Stories' , a series of short films created to give voice to the people who are leading the way towards a healthier and more sustainable agri-food system in the Barcelona regions.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Joan Nogué: "We had to show the diverse rural environment that we know"

'L'altre món rural' (Paper Tiger) arrives in bookstores to disseminate the rural reality of Catalonia to break clichés and stereotypes. Arrels interviews two of its authors: the geographers Joan Nogué and Rosa Cerarols.



Albert Blanco: "With the markets you can achieve a personal relationship that large farms do not have"

Albert Blanco is an agricultural technician and has been working in organic farming at Masia Can Serra, located in El Bruc, for two years. In this interview, he explains his work and the role that farmers' markets play in the agricultural sector, as he will participate with his own stand at the Mercat del Parc Rural in Olesa de Montserrat.

(Montserrat Rural Park)


Maria Nicolau: "Cooking has the power to change the world around us"

From the kitchen of El Ferrer de Tall, in Vilanova de Sau, he feeds dozens of mouths every day, but in this interview he wants to feed everyone's critical thinking.




The role of property in access to land

The figure of ownership can play an important role in access to land, understood as a link between those who want to fold and those who want to start.



Feed Catalonia in wartime

Francesc Reguant, director of the Agro-Food Economy Observatory of the College of Economists, warns in this article of the fragility of critical supplies for Catalonia.

(Via Empresa)



4 books for a more sustainable agri-food system

A journey through new ways of understanding agriculture and livestock farming on the occasion of Sant Jordi.

(BCN Smart Rural)


The 10 books of the world that returns

Cooking, food, repopulation or farming are some of the proposals of Arrels for the day.



The literary recommendations of Montserrat Rural Park

The Montserrat Rural Park recommended a series of books to enjoy, learn about and learn about our environment.

(Montserrat Rural Park)


#Audiovisual world

BCN Smart Rural promotes coworking to attract creative projects to the rural world

The shared work spaces in the towns of province star in ' Un camí compartit ', the new short from the BCN Smart Rural Histories. The video explores the vision of coworking spaces as necessary spaces to attract creative people to the rural world.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Welcome to Baix Llobregat GUST, the new TV program that will make us "discover and taste" county

The culinary and gastronomic wealth of the Baix Llobregat are the main protagonists of the new television series BenvinGUST in the Baix Llobregat, which premieres this May on La Xarxa TV.

(El Baix Llobregat)


What is our farming like, according to Carla Simón

Arrels collects some reflections of the director of 'Alcarràs', a sensitive and current portrait of the Catalan countryside that has won the Golden Bone, the top award of the Berlin Film Festival.



— BCN Smart Rural Editorial —

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