BCN Smart Rural Press Digest: From 23rd March to 29th April 29, 2021

The commitment of the Agriculture Commissioner of the European Union to organic food is one of the topics highlighted in the latest BCN Smart Rural Press Digest.



Organic foods are "healthier", according to the Agriculture Commissioner of the European Union

At an event to mark the launch of the Action Plan for the development of organic production , Janusz Wojciechowski said that all food on the European market is safe and subject to "strict control with the highest standards", but organic products They are also healthier. The European Union Agriculture Commissioner added that, in an ideal world, all agriculture should be organic. "Foods produced without chemicals are healthier," he insisted before emphasizing that the best organic foods are those that come from local producers.

Janusz Wojciechowski's intervention is available at this link.



More agri-food news


#Agrarian policy


The Ministry of Agriculture negotiates with each community the conditions for applying the CAP

Bilateral contacts have already begun so that each regional government can contribute its requests in order to prepare the Strategic Plan and decide where to place the 47,724 million planned aid.

(El País)


Family and professional agriculture "will be the centre of the CAP application model in Spain", according to Luis Planas

The Minister of Agriculture highlights in the 10th Federal Congress of the Union of Small Farmers that family farming provides, in addition to economic benefits, intangible values in terms of environmental sustainability and roots in the territory. For this reason, it is the type of farms that will be favoured with the tools of the new Common Agricultural Policy.

(Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food)


Agriculture works on a new Action Plan for organic agri-food production

Although 2020 was a year marked by the pandemic, organic production in Catalonia has continued to grow and diversify. The Department of Agriculture is working on a new Action Plan for organic agri-food production to maintain and reinforce the lines of work that have encouraged increases in the production and consumption of organic products.



#BCN Smart Rural Territory


Alpens will open the first collective cheese factory in Catalonia for entrepreneurs starting in May

Alpens will open a collective cheese factory and a workshop starting in May in a space in the former Sati textile factory. The project, with a cost of 160,000 euros, also includes a community workshop where entrepreneurs who want to learn the profession and carry out tests can have the necessary machinery.

(Món Rural)


#Agrarian spaces and parks


The Baix Llobregat Agrarian Park calls for subsidies for agricultural cooperatives and other non-profit agricultural entities and for the recovery of fields

In the case of subsidies for agricultural cooperatives and other non-profit agricultural entities, the aid is for the improvement of production, transformation, marketing and service management processes in the agricultural sector. The period to submit applications ends on May 7.

(L'Informatiu dels Parcs)


New supports for the Conca Agrarian Park project

The initiative was presented a month ago and has land from fifteen municipalities in the region. A project that wants to be the starting point for the promotion of local and kilometer zero products.

(Anoia Diari)



#Agriculture and nature


The Department of Agriculture calls for aid to promote biodiversity through local varieties of agricultural interest in Catalonia

According to the order of aid, public and private conservation entities that carry out conservation and characterization tasks of local varieties will be beneficiaries, and they may submit their applications until May 3.



#Branching and ecology


The Welfair animal welfare seal, recognized as one of the most innovative projects by the Mass Consumption Innovation Observatory

This badge, developed by the Institute of Agri-Food Research and Technology (IRTA), in collaboration with the NEIKER technology center, is the first Animal Welfare certificate that focuses on the observation and evaluation of animals and their behavior. The certificate has protocols for bovine species, chickens and chickens, swine, sheep, turkeys, rabbits and quail raised for food production.



#Managed forests


The Barcelona Provincial Council approves a total of 5.6 million euros in aid to city councils for forest fire prevention actions

The aid is for the execution of maintenance, consolidation and improvement of access to the basic road network and supply of water points that are part of the strategic infrastructure established in the municipal forest fire prevention plan (PPI).

(Barcelona Provincial Council)


Green light in the new Protection Plan for the Collserola Natural Park

The new Plan defines a model based on two fundamental axes: the preservation of biodiversity and the enhancement of ecosystem services within the framework of dynamic and adaptive management. However, we are committed to promoting agricultural activities that add value to the Park based on the development of a green economy.



The Penedès-Garraf Commonwealth will offer a new Forest Management and Energy service

The action program is deployed with four main lines: the opening and maintenance of prevention strips; forestry work in strategic management areas; the cleaning of interior plots and the promotion of livestock as a preventive cleaning action.

(Radio Cubelles)


A natural park against the exodus of Alt Berguedà

The town councils of Cercs, Vallcebre and Fígols, together with the Berguedà Regional Council, hope that the approval of this protection figure will promote the attractions of the area, generate economic activity with the arrival of tourists and contribute to reversing the process of population loss. But, according to Jesús Calderer, mayor of Cercs, "it is not only about protecting the flora and fauna, but also about recovering abandoned farmhouses, helping livestock farmers (now there are 15 herds of cows and two sheep) and stopping depopulation. ».

(La Vanguardia)


#Climate Action


The Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy launches the new commitment to reduce emissions by 55% by 2030 and be climate neutral by 2050

The Covenant of Mayors of Europe is the world's largest movement for local actions related to climate and local sustainable energy. The Barcelona Provincial Council is part of its political committee.

(Barcelona Provincial Council)


Investors urge European Commission to prioritize climate in land reform

A group of international investors controlling $2 trillion in assets has urged the European Commission to be more ambitious in reforming the Common Agricultural Policy. According to these investors, if the EU wants to make the farm subsidy program more effective in the fight against climate change and the protection of biodiversity, the reforms must be much deeper. Among other recommendations , the group considers that economic support should be linked to efforts to protect the environment and incentives should serve to value sustainable agriculture, instead of increasing production at the expense of climate, health and safety. biodiversity.



The Forest Consortium is satisfied with the new state Climate Change Law

On April 8, the Congress of Deputies approved the state's Climate Change Law, and the Catalan Forestry Consortium (CFC) considers the desire to promote the positive externalities provided by terrestrial carbon sinks a very important milestone. Especially those provided by the agricultural and forestry sectors, as well as the use of bioenergy and other forest products. The Forestry Consortium of Catalonia is the association that brings together active foresters committed to the management and improvement of the forest.

(Món Rural)


#Green energy


The Barcelona Provincial Council signs a protocol to promote renewable energies and energy efficiency

The Barcelona Provincial Council and the Ministry for the Ecological Transition are committed to the development of the corporation's "Renewables 2030" program: both administrations will collaborate in the promotion of photovoltaic and biomass installations in the 181 municipalities of less than 5,000 inhabitants in the province from Barcelona. The agreement, which also includes the promotion of local energy communities, promotes the training of local entities in the demarcation and collaboration between administrations.

(Barcelona Provincial Council)


#Sustainable water management


The Barcelona Provincial Council joins the commemoration of World Water Day with the presentation of the portal "Water for me "

The Network of Cities and Towns towards Sustainability of the Barcelona Provincial Council presents the interactive portal of virtual resources Water for me, which is offered from municipal websites and social networks, giving importance to what water means for each local environment. The portal highlights the importance of water in people's lives and includes advice and good practices that help everyone's well-being.

(Barcelona Provincial Council)


#Urban ecology


Barcelona will increase 18.6 hectares of green until 2023

This is provided for in the Natura Plan 2021-2030 , the roadmap that defines the short, medium and long-term actions regarding the greenery and biodiversity of the city. Among other actions, the new plan wants to promote projects involving citizens in nature actions in the city, such as the “Mans al Verd” program and the urban agriculture strategy.

(Barcelona City Council)


Barcelona will gain 2,000 m² of green roofs in 2022

The Municipal Urban Landscape Institute has announced the 10 winning proposals to cover 10 rooftops in the city with green and energy efficiency, with a total surface area of 2,055 m². The winning projects of the competition will receive a subsidy of 75% of the cost, with a limit of 100,000 euros per roof, to make projects a reality that include elements such as urban gardens, rainwater collection, renewable energy installations, composting area and areas stay and recreation.





More vineyard area of native varieties in Bages

An agreement with the administration will allow the Ampans Foundation to expand research projects with varieties native to the territory.



Castelldefels City Council recommends respecting swallows, natural insecticides

Having a nest of these insectivorous birds nearby helps keep mosquito and fly populations at bay: a single swallow can consume around 850 flies and mosquitoes a day. Furthermore, they are strictly protected animals.

(Castelldefels City Council)


The Igualada City Council installs forty nest boxes in the wooded areas of the city

The main objective of this measure is to rebalance the ecosystem by favoring the presence of sparrows and tits and reducing the presence of doves and wood pigeons and, to a lesser extent, pigeons. The other objective is to naturally fight against the proliferation of insects and be able to reduce the use of pesticides now necessary for their control.

(Igualada City Council)


Santa Coloma de Cervelló is added as a study point of the Metropolitan Butterfly Observatory

Butterflies are insects that are especially sensitive to climate change and, for this reason, they are the object of study at the mBMS Metropolitan Butterfly Observatory, which has been in operation since 2019.

(Santa Coloma de Cervelló City Council)


#Agroecological food systems


The European Commission publishes its plan to promote organic production

On March 25, the European Commission presented its Action Plan for the development of organic production with the aim of increasing the production and consumption of organic products and ensuring that 25% of agricultural land is worked organically by 2030. The Action Plan, which is in line with the European Green Deal and the “From field to fork” and “Biodiversity 2030” strategies, proposes 23 actions around three axes: boosting consumption, increasing production and improving the sustainability of the sector. Currently, 1.8% of the Common Agricultural Policy is allocated to supporting organic farming (7.5 billion euros), but "the future CAP will contemplate ecological regimes supported with a budget of between 38,000 and 58,000 million euros for the period 2023-2027. In addition, we want to promote other instruments to contribute to this objective, such as information and the creation of networks for the exchange of best practices, the certification of farmer groups instead of just individuals, research and innovation, and the use of new technologies to improve traceability. Among the most notable novelties of the Action Plan is the development of ecological tourism networks called "biodistricts"; That is, the European Commission will promote areas in which farmers, citizens, tourism operators, associations and public administrations work together to achieve sustainable management of local resources, based on ecological principles and practices.

(European Commission)


Brussels promises a drop in the price of organic food thanks to its plan to promote its production and consumption

Despite the popularization of organic products among Europeans in recent years, the EU is unable to meet its demand internally. According to estimates by the Research Institute for Organic Agriculture FiBL, the European bloc imports 50% of the organic food it consumes, mainly from China, Ecuador and the Dominican Republic.

(Món Rural)


The AMB makes a firm commitment to sustainable food

After joining the Food Charter of the Metropolitan Region last October, the AMB encourages local governments to join in and start working on policies or activities that value healthy and sustainable eating. To help them in this process, the AMB has prepared a guide for the participation of municipalities in the world capital of sustainable food of Barcelona 2021, which shows the possibilities that this event offers this year, arising from the Milan Pact on Urban Food Policies.

(Federation of Municipalities of Catalonia)


The agri-food producers of the Òdena Basin meet in an association

Currently, 28 farmers and ranchers are part of it, representing the transversality of productive, organizational and activity models existing in the primary sector of the area.

(Anoia Info)


#Agri-food transformation


The north of Baix Llobregat bases economic recovery on healthy and sustainable food, with the creation of an agri-food hub

Abrera, Collbató, Esparreguera, Olesa de Montserrat, San Esteban Sesrovires and San Andrés de la Barca join forces with the Barcelona Provincial Council to create an agri-food 'hub' and promote healthy and sustainable eating.

(Barcelona Provincial Council)


#Agri-food products from the territory


The only wine that is made in the city of Barcelona

Vinyes de Barcelona is a wine that is made in Collserola, in the Sarrià-Sant Gervasi district. The cooperative that makes it, L'Olivera, has launched a project to recover the agricultural landscape in Collserola and in turn, work with people at risk of social exclusion.



#Local and proximity commerce


The Barcelona Provincial Council allocates 1.2 million euros to support the promotion of the commercial fabric, markets and local fairs

The recipients of the Plan are city councils and decentralized municipal entities in the province of Barcelona that wish to develop actions to revitalize and consolidate the urban commercial fabric.

(Barcelona Provincial Council)


Barcelona explores legalizing the sale of food grown in urban gardens

Barcelona City Council and the Generalitat are exploring how to change the laws that currently prevent the sale of products grown on building land, as is the case of most urban gardens.

(Tot Barcelona)


The 5th edition of the Comerç 21 program is underway, to reactivate, promote and improve local commerce

Promoted by the Barcelona Provincial Council and PYME Comercio, the program provides preferential support to micro-businesses that want to improve fundamental areas of businesses and services such as, for example, redefining the business model, commercialization and marketing, digitalization, human resources, professionalization and management, among others. others.

(Barcelona Provincial Council)


The Barcelona Provincial Council launches the new app “Apropteu”, the new digital directory of local commerce

You can now download the new Apropteu app, promoted by the Barcelona Provincial Council, and aimed at citizens as well as merchants, parade-goers, businessmen in the sector and entrepreneurs. The application, which was born with the desire to become the digital director of local businesses in the province of Barcelona, will allow you to search for any type of business or service; know the offer of products, bonuses and promotions, as well as establish two-way communication between merchants.

(Barcelona Provincial Council)


Barcelona will invest 96 million in strengthening the network of municipal markets

Until 2023, almost one hundred million euros will be invested in the improvement of the 40 municipal markets. The bulk of the actions, 70.6 million, will be allocated to the major reforms of the Abaceria, Sant Andreu, Horta and Montserrat markets and improvements to the Besòs, Galvany and Sagrada Família markets. In addition, another 22.6 million will be allocated to maintenance work on the entire network and 2.7 million to the Barcelona markets digitalization plan. The municipal government understands that markets are essential for the reactivation of the local commercial fabric.

(Barcelona City Council)


The municipal markets of Terrassa are committed to digital transformation

The Independencia and Sant Pere markets present two new online sales and home delivery platforms. This project has been able to be carried out thanks to the financing of the Barcelona Provincial Council through the "Support for the digitalization of municipal markets" benefit funds, from the Catalog of the Local Government Network.

(Terrassa City Council)


The municipal market of Castellar del Vallès launches the online store

The virtual store aims to facilitate the purchase of products with comfort and security through the Internet, contemplating home delivery. Developed thanks to the support and collaboration of the Castellar del Vallès City Council and the Barcelona Provincial Council, the platform offers the same quality products that are sold at the market stalls.

(Castellar del Vallès City Council)


The Llagosta municipal market launches a website for online purchases

The Llagosta municipal market has a new website so that citizens can make purchases online. Eleven establishments have initially joined this initiative, financed by the Barcelona Provincial Council and which has the support of the Llagosta City Council.

(Llagosta City Council)


Organic and local food on the rise

The consumption of organic food is increasingly important in Sant Cugat, a city with many entities that promote organic production and consumption.

(Tot Sant Cugat)


#Healthy diet


The European Commission recognizes Mollet with the Healthy Lifestyles for Cities 2020 award

The project to promote healthy eating habits organized by the Mollet Children's Council (CIM) in 2019 has received the second prize awarded by the General Directorate of Health and Food Safety of the European Commission.

(Mollet del Vallès City Council)



#Agrifood Marketing


The call for the 2021 Parc a Taula Awards is open for companies participating in the program

Parc a Taula is calling for a new edition of the Parc a Taula Awards to distinguish those companies participating in the program that contribute to highlighting the Natural Parks Network of the Barcelona Provincial Council. The application period ends on May 4.

(L'Informatiu dels Parcs)


Berga recovers the May 1 fair with a commitment to local products

The council's desire is to promote local commerce, which is why the slogan of the contest is precisely "km0".

(Regió 7)


Menus and tapas with Gavà Asparagus as the protagonist

About twenty bars and restaurants in the city will offer tastings on their menus until May 9.

(El Bruguers Digital)


The DO Pla de Bages closes ranks with restaurateurs to boost the sector

The economic difficulties derived from the pandemic have led the Bages wineries and restaurateurs to join forces and create the 'Proximity Passport'. This is a card that customers can stamp when they consume Bages wines in participating establishments. When they are five, they can receive a bottle of DO Pla de Bages wine or a wine tourism visit as a gift. The initiative, promoted by the Regulatory Council of the DO Pla de Bages, the Hospitality Guild and the Gastronomic Fires of Bages, aims to be the starting point of a collaboration to promote local products.

(Món Rural)


The first Gastronomic Marketing Congress of Catalonia will be a showcase of trends in Vilanova

Big brands and small producers and professionals from one of the most important economic sectors will participate.

(Eix Diari)


5,700 kg of artichokes from Sant Boi and El Prat are distributed in residences to thank the grandparents for their efforts

The campaign wants to recognize nursing homes by offering them kilometer zero and maximum quality products.

(El Periódico)


New video-spot of the Sabors de l'Horta restaurants in Baix Llobregat

They have always been there, but now they are more eager than ever. This is how the chefs of the Sabors de l'Horta Collective claim, in a new video-spot . They are great chefs who collect the tradition of cultivation and the art of cooking in dishes rooted in the land and whose territory they are part of, the Baix Llobregat.

(Baix Llobregat)


The weekly market of Sant Sadurní d'Anoia launches a new image

With the creation of this design, we wanted to represent the diversity of products provided by the market, the meeting space and the set of commercial and service offerings.

(Sant Sadurní de Anoia City Council)


All videos from the collection on calçot from the Baix Llobregat Agrarian Park are available

The videos cover the entire production process, from the field to the table, and have been prepared by the Baix Llobregat Agrarian Park Consortium in collaboration with the Regional Council and the Baix Llobregat Tourism Consortium. They are available on the Youtube channel of the Baix Llobregat Agrarian Park.

(Natural Parks Network)




Promoted a system to optimize the curing of sausages with predictive algorithms

The food group Splendid Foods, dedicated mainly to the production of cured sausages and with facilities in Seva (Osona), has promoted with the Eurecat technology center a project that incorporates Artificial Intelligence, Internet of Things (IoT) and data analytics to optimize the curing process of whips and sausages.

(Món Rural)


Fog can give desertified land a second chance

Capturing tiny drops of water from fog and using them to recover areas affected by extreme drought and desertification is the objective of LIFE Nieblas , a European project that, among other objectives, wants to promote the progressive recovery of essential aquifers to supply agricultural farms, livestock and population without the need to drill wells or galleries.



#Agri-food Training


Farmers and social entities of the Penedès train people at risk of social exclusion to guarantee agricultural relief

The Coopera initiative was born from the Covides, Entramos and Actúa cooperatives, with the intention that young people and adults without work end up learning a new trade. "We open the door to an empowerment process so that they can later join the ordinary market, while ensuring that the peasantry is not left without importance," they emphasize. Despite emerging in Alt Penedès, the intention is to expand to manage fields throughout Catalonia.

(Món Rural)


#Agrifood Heritage


Seed banks, a tool for the conservation of cultivated biodiversity

About 400 entries of traditional agricultural varieties are preserved in the Col·lectiu Eixarcolant seed bank, obtained thanks to ethnobotanical surveys and also the result of exchanges with other seed banks.

(Món Rural)


Bages' wine-growing past flourishes again

Bages, before phylloxera, was the territory with the most vineyards in Catalonia and now a project wants to recover this past. It is called “Cep Tina Vino” and is the result of two years of research promoted by the Bages Studies Center and the Pla de Bages designation of origin to learn about the history of wine and vineyards in this area.



#Rural life


Cardona launches a campaign to attract young people to the municipality and stop depopulation

The “A new life” campaign aims to take advantage of the interest that the pandemic has sparked in going to live in the rural world.

(Món Rural)


#Agrarian Alerts


The countryside rebels against the 'invasion' of solar farms

The uncontrolled growth of photovoltaic plants is generating alarm in the countryside: farmers and ranchers create platforms against the proliferation of projects.

(El Economista)


The Renewables Presentation gives the green light to two wind farms in Argençola with a dozen wind turbines

According to the reports of the Renewables Presentation, both projects have received several allegations, among them those from Unió de Pagesos, which criticize “the cumulative impact” of the projects with others planned in the area, as well as a “high impact ” about agricultural spaces.

(Món Rural)


The Alt Penedès Regional Council opposes the creation of photovoltaic parks without consulting the territory

The Regional Council and the Council of Mayors of Alt Penedès oppose the creation of new photovoltaic parks without taking into account the territory. They regret that the projection of these spaces to obtain clean energy is being carried out without taking into account the agricultural sector.

(Món Rural)


Opposition in Bages against the installation of 30,000 solar panels on agricultural land in Navàs

The project would occupy 31 hectares of Pla del Riols, an agricultural area located between Montserrat and the Pyrenees, where several organic farming and agrotourism projects have been born. Neighbors and the City Council are opposed and have created the platform 'Save the Pla del Riols'. However, the Renewable Energy Conference has given approval to the location of the project.

(Món Rural)


The projects of two wind farms in Bages are knocked down due to the high landscape impact

The projects contemplated the installation of 17 wind turbines that would affect the municipalities of Aguilar de Segarra, Castellfollit del Boix, Rajadell, Fonollosa, San Juan de Vilatorrada, Santpedor, San Frutoso de Bages, Navarcles and Calders. The Environmental Report of the Department of Territory has decided to issue a negative report, considering the site as non-viable.

(Món Rural)




Ricard Ramon: «We must reduce the use of pesticides by 50% until 2030»

The Deputy Head of Unit in the Directorate General of Agriculture of the European Commission defends the “From field to table” strategy, which seeks to prioritize health and sustainability.



Pol Dunyó-Ruhí: "Working with an animal implies empathy, knowing how to respect one another"

This young farmer makes an organic garden on the Turó d'en Rompons farm in Òrrius, in the Maresme, with the help of his two mares. In this interview, he defends working the land with animals and vindicates the modernity of a practice that, however, is ancestral.



Judit Lecina: «It is necessary to integrate ecosystem services and biodiversity into natural environment conservation policies»

The doctor in Terrestrial Ecology and CREAF researcher affirms that, to preserve forests, it is necessary to "choose the products we consume, prioritizing that they are local and proximity; especially, food. In addition, promoting local and nearby agriculture and livestock helps to promote more mosaic of landscapes, less masses of continuous forests. In short: more crops, more heterogeneous landscapes and diverse forests to avoid fires.



Albert Cañigueral: «Shared workshops and agricultural test spaces are ideal for satisfying the two basic needs of learning and accompanying each other»

The founder and editor of the “Collaborative Consumption” blog and co-founding member of the Ouishare network highlights the importance of this type of equipment for entrepreneurs in the agri-food sector, who often have innovative ideas that they want to develop, but do not know where to start.



Ignasi Giménez Renom: "We are generating new food distribution channels"

The president of the Regional Council of Vallès Occidental and mayor of Castellar el Vallès talks about Recooperem , a social initiative that wants to reduce the number of foods in good condition that currently end up in the trash.



Silvia Brandi: «We must rediscover the ability to make things, not just buy them»

The director of Atlas of the Future invites us to discover a series of projects linked to the field that provide solutions to the main challenges facing agriculture and livestock.



Francesc Font: «We earn a better living and we fix more carbon than we produce»

The author of the book “Rooted to the Earth” explains his experience in developing profitable agriculture that helps combat climate change.



María José LaRota-Aguilera: "We must green agriculture and livestock"

The researcher in Terrestrial Ecology from the Autonomous University of Barcelona explains the changes that we should introduce in the agricultural and livestock model of the metropolitan territory for its transformation towards a long-term sustainable model.





The new landowners of Spain

Forest land gains space compared to agricultural land, while new actors such as companies and funds land in the rural land business in Spain.

(El País)


Mature forests, small vaccines against global change

Catalonia has been a pioneer in Spain in locating and characterizing unique forests and mature stands and some projects already have more than fifteen years of experience.



Seed banks, the guarantee of survival of our own fruits and vegetables

The objective of this type of spaces is to conserve spices and varieties necessary for the development of a more sustainable, healthy and fair agri-food model.



The fit of renewables in the rural world, the challenge that must be faced

The change in the energy model is met with opposition in the territory, which does not feel heard in a strategy that affects the entire country.





The land for those who work it

Sixte Moral explains in this article that "today the wealth produced by the land is quite far from those who work it." "Avoiding the loss of more land due to uncontrolled or balanced growth and the growth of forest mass" seems as fundamental to him as trying to ensure that farmers can live and work with dignity.

(Eix Diari)


Why the World Economic Forum is looking to nature

In this article, Eulàlia Comas, a biologist specialized in conservation of the natural environment, and Toni Comin, a member of the European Parliament, defend that the conservation of natural heritage is not a development option, but is an essential condition to guarantee current well-being and future of those of us who inhabit this planet. Among other key policies to redesign, the authors cite agricultural policy, which “will be one of the most important sectors in the transformation of the European economy and society towards a more sustainable model. The challenges it faces, in Europe and in Catalonia, are not few; must face the effects of climate change, the scarcity of resources, and the changes, among others, in dietary habits and demands, and all of this without ceasing to contribute - or contributing more, in most cases - to the conservation of nature and environmental goods and services.





Food represents 34% of global greenhouse gas emissions

According to a study published by the journal Nature Food and led by the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO), land use represents approximately 32% of emissions, while 29% corresponds to distribution. and transformation. In the production phase, an increase of 15% in emissions is observed.

(Nature Food)


Soil's potential to curb climate change may be less than thought

A study published in the journal Nature states that soil, plants and trees are important for lowering carbon levels in the atmosphere, but the essential thing is to end the burning of fossil fuels. According to César Terrer, the lead author of the research, "if we really want to stop global warming, we must stop emissions, because ecosystems only capture a part of all CO2 emissions," he told The Guardian newspaper.



Unprecedented droughts in 2000 years in Europe due to climate change

According to a study by the University of Cambridge, the current summer droughts on the European continent are the most serious in the last 2,110 years. An international team of researchers studied the chemical fingerprints of European oaks to reconstruct the summer climate and found that drought conditions have intensified since 2015. Experts point to climate change caused by human activity as a possible cause of these extreme phenomena. and remember that global warming has devastating consequences for society and ecosystems. The journal Nature Geoscience has published the results of the study .

(University of Cambridge)


Restoring 30% of the world's ecosystems would absorb about half of the carbon accumulated in the atmosphere since the Industrial Revolution

According to a Nature report in which the Institute of Environmental Science and Technology (ICTA.UAB) participates, the restoration of ecosystems is key to preserving biodiversity and stabilizing the planet's climate. The report demonstrates that while forest recovery is critical to mitigating global warming and preventing mass species extinctions, other ecosystems also play a huge role. Specifically, researchers have studied grasslands, shrublands, marshes and arid ecosystems, as well as cropland, and have identified which ecosystems should be restored to provide benefits to biodiversity and climate without having a negative impact on agricultural production. In this regard, the study highlights that 55% of cropland could be restored without harming food production, 1,578 million hectares worldwide. To achieve this, measures would have to be taken for the sustainable and well-planned intensification of food production, the reduction of food waste and the replacement of foods such as meat and cheese with other agri-food products that generate fewer greenhouse gas emissions.



Consumers in the Spanish State are more interested in local products

According to a study published by McKinsey & Company , lifestyle dictates demand and interest in local, healthy and environmentally friendly products is growing. In fact, 30% of Spaniards expect to consume more regional products in 2021, 26% declare they opt for nature-friendly products and 36% prefer to buy nutritious foods and health bonuses. Purchases of imported products have been reduced by 23%.

(McKinsey & Co)


They create a complete genetic atlas for the butterflies of Europe

An international research team led by the Institute of Evolutionary Biology , a center of the Higher Scientific Research Council (CSIC) and the Pompeu Fabra University (UPF) , has published the largest and most detailed genetic library for late European butterflies to date. , with more than 22 thousand sequenced specimens of 459 species. The study, published in “Communications Biology”, brings together genetic information from 97% of Europe's butterflies with unprecedented resolution, making it the largest platform for the study and conservation of butterflies on the old continent. The data set is available here .





New volume of Eixarcolant's wild plant recipe books

The publication, self-published by the Col·lectiu Eixarcolant, contains information on 22 edible wild species that can be found in many parts of Catalonia. Although many of them are unknown, they are highly indicated to incorporate into the daily diet due to their organoleptic and nutritional characteristics.



— BCN Smart Rural Editorial —


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