

The importance of the green transition of the agricultural sector is one of the topics highlighted in the latest BCN Smart Rural Press Digest.


The land of wine and cava has 8,567 hectares of organic crops, which represents 40% of the total cultivated area in the region. 


Interview with Marçal Parera, a young and entrepreneurial farmer who lives in and for the territory. Exploring with him the fields he cultivates in Sant Antoni de Vilamajor is a…


The Food Charter of the Barcelona Metropolitan Region (CARM) is a strategic coordination instrument for the development of food policies in Barcelona and its metropolitan area.


The adherence of the Barcelona Provincial Council to the local Strategy for adaptation to climate change is one of the topics highlighted in the latest BCN Smart Rural Press…


BCN Smart Rural organizes a meeting of competitive creativity with technicians and experts in agricultural development from the Vallès counties.


Microenterprises in the agri-food and forestry sector in Central Catalonia can now participate in the BCN Smart Rural Innovation Contest. The prize consists of a grant of 2,710…


The aim of this event, which will be held on Friday 5 March in a telematic format, is to highlight the crucial role of the territory in the transition towards agro-ecological food…


This press summary primarily includes a selection of articles, reports, and features on agri-food topics related to the Barcelona region. Additionally, it incorporates noteworthy…