BCN Smart Rural organizes a participatory meeting with agricultural experts from both Vallès counties

The aim of this event, which will be held on Friday 5 March in a telematic format, is to highlight the crucial role of the territory in the transition towards agro-ecological food systems.

BCN Smart Rural, a project led by the Barcelona Provincial Council and co-financed by the European Union through FEDER funds, is preparing the third meeting of competitive creativity. The aim of this event, which will be held on Friday 5 March in a telematic format, is to highlight the crucial role of the Vallès Oriental and Occidental in the transition towards agroecological food systems.

The meeting will bring together twenty experts in agroecology and local food systems from a territory characterized by an agroforestry mosaic and gentle orography, with initiatives such as the Espai Rural de Gallecs and the Sabadell Agricultural Park. Initially, the main characteristics of the agri-food sector in these counties will be reviewed, and then the participants will delve into the 2030-2050 horizon to imagine and debate their ideal food model.

Through active and innovative dynamics, experts will address key issues such as fostering the formation of consumer cooperatives, increasing the presence of local food in schools and optimizing the profitability of agricultural microenterprises. Strategies to organize the sale of local food and reduce emissions from production and transport, with a focus on carbon neutrality, will also be discussed.

The meeting will culminate with the identification and prioritization of specific actions. This forum of competitive creativity offers a unique opportunity to understand the needs and proposals of the technicians and experts in agricultural development of the two Vallès counties and become participants in shaping the future of the food systems in these regions.

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