Resum de Premsa BCN Smart Rural – De l’1 de febrer al 7 de març de 2023

BCN Smart Rural Press Digest – From 2nd July to 3rd August 2023

The delivery of troughs to enhance extensive livestock farming and prevent wildfires is highlighted in the new BCN Smart Rural Press Digest.


BCN Smart Rural delivers twenty troughs to promote extensive livestock farming and prevent forest fires

The Barcelona Provincial Council has delivered twenty troughs to the Associations of Forest Owners of Berguedà Verd, Gavarresa-Moianès, Lluçanès, and Serra de Bellmunt to promote extensive livestock farming and prevent forest fires. This initiative is part of the "Smart forest management: forest fire prevention infrastructures for the protection of natural resources and biomass production" project under the BCN Smart Rural program.  

The troughs will provide crucial water points for animals involved in forest fire prevention tasks in Priority Management Areas. Designed for cows, goats, and sheep, they have been distributed to farms where forestry work has improved the pastures. The provision of these water resources is essential for ensuring the sustainability of the agrosilvopastoral sector in the region. 

You can find the featured news article at this link.



More agri-food news

#Managed forests

About seventy forest fires since the start of the Forest Fire Information and Surveillance Plan (PVI)

Since June 21, the date on which the Forest Fire Information and Surveillance Plan (PVI) of the Barcelona Provincial Council started this year, and until July 30 there have been 70 fires in the province affecting 7, 33 hectares, most (6.52 hectares) in bushland.

(Barcelona Provincial Council)


#Agro-food products of the territory

The Lower Tordera Agrarian Space participates in the 2nd Caprabo Gastronomic Conference of Local Tomato Products in Barcelona

The purpose of the event was to promote local products and coincides with the start of the tomato season, which in the Tordera Basin takes place between June and October, the Tordera Basin.

(Palafolls City Council )


The Network of Olive Cultivators and Olive Cultivators opens in the "high added value" oil sector

The entity, founded in 2021, presents itself to around thirty small Catalan producers with the will to grow to promote quality Catalan oils.



#Agricultural transformation

The (r)evolution of the Escairador: the Cal Rosal company creates ubunto's first gluten-free artisanal pasta_22_ubunto

In 2018, they brought corn and split wheat to the market; later they launched flours and semolina; and now - after a long research - they are marketing the first gluten-free artisanal pasta, made from their wheat flour.

(Aquí Berguedà)


#Agro-food association

A future rooted in the values of the social economy: agricultural cooperatives

This technical article talks about agricultural cooperatives, their values and the social economy in our territory.




Organic food accounted for 2.38% of total food consumption in 2022

The Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food publishes the Report of Consumption Food in Spain 2022, which details new data on the consumption of organic food.



#Food Waste

The "I take advantage, I don't waste" guide is published

The Food Bank has published the free guide "I take advantage, I don't waste", a publication full of tips, tricks and ideas to reduce food waste and achieve a more sustainable and healthy diet at home.

(Banc d'Aliments)



The Innova 2030 Plan is presented at the 7th Catalan Council for Agricultural Innovation

The Innova 2030 Plan is proposed as the strategy for innovation in the agri-food sector, forestry and the Catalan rural environment, promoted by the Department of Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda.



#Agrifood marketing

The cherry tomato becomes the protagonist of a gastronomic route

A party was used to present the twenty culinary proposals where this product is the main ingredient and which are included in the menu of a dozen local restaurants.

(El Far)



Adela Martínez: «When you start planting there is no turning back»

Huertos in the Sky was born with the mission of promoting the creation of edible green roofs in the city of Barcelona. We meet Adela Martínez, the soul of this initiative and a source of life in the heart of the Catalan capital.

(BCN Smart Rural)


A young couple who love gardening and health

El Tros d'Ordal was born in 2012 in Alt Penedès when Àgueda Ortiz and David Casas started a small garden in Ordal as a hobby. Soon, more people joined the project and after a while they decided to professionalize it.

(BCN Smart Rural)


Carles Díaz: "We wanted to publicize the little-known agriculture we do at Bolet Ben Fet: the cultivation of ligneous mushrooms"

Interview with Carles Díaz, creator of Teb Verd, the company that won the PITA 2022 awards in the agricultural company category.



Martí Boada: "What biodiversity tells us, with great subtlety, is the alteration of the territory, the landscape and the ecosystem"

El 9 Nou talks to the prestigious doctor in Environmental Sciences and UNESCO's scientific advisor.

(The 9 Nou)


Vanesa Freixa: "The rural world does not realize the contempt it suffers"

Humane and with a great desire to fight for what she believes in, the publicist and writer makes an evocative, vindictive and urgent call to change the way we live.

(El Crític)


— BCN Smart Rural Editorial —

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