Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat. PATXI URIZ | DIPUTACIÓ DE BARCELONA

The Lower Llobregat Agrarian Park: 25 years serving the farming community

Today marks a quarter of a century since the official establishment of Catalonia's first agrarian space. Firmly committed to preserving agricultural activity, the environment, and local food production, the agrarian park is a success story in the rural heart of the Lower Llobregat county.

Today, June 26, we celebrate a double anniversary of great significance for the Lower Llobregat Agrarian Park (PABLL). On the one hand, it marks 25 years since its official establishment, an emblematic space born with the clear vision of protecting and promoting the joint management of the fields in the lower valley and delta of the Llobregat River. Additionally, this year we also celebrate 30 years since the formal definition of the concept of “Parc Agrari,” recognised in the report by the Council for Nature Protection of the Generalitat of Catalonia on July 1, 1993, as part of the General Territorial Plan of Catalonia. This management figure has proven to be very useful for the farming communities in the Barcelona region and for agrarian spaces in general, attracting the interest of numerous institutions both nationally and internationally. Over the years, the agrarian park has received many visits and has been invited to participate in conferences, seminars, and congresses around the world, demonstrating a keen interest in its management and development model. With twenty-five years of experience, this initiative continues to grow strongly.


Sustainable agriculture in Lower Llobregat

Over these 25 years, the Lower Llobregat Agrarian Park has driven significant advances in sustainable agriculture and rural development in the region. Thanks to the tireless work of the Consortium, the managing body of the entire agrarian space, various initiatives and policies have been implemented, contributing significantly to the protection and promotion of local and environmentally friendly agriculture.

One of the main achievements during this period has been the consolidation of a model of agriculture based on sustainability. With a long-term vision, the PABLL Consortium has established strategies that promote the use of environmentally friendly agricultural practices, encouraging efficient use of natural resources, preserving biodiversity, and reducing the environmental impact of the primary sector. Additionally, advisory and technical support programmes for farmers have been implemented to improve their productivity and competitiveness. Through training and support, innovative practices and green technologies have been promoted, increasing efficiency in agricultural production and reducing the use of pesticides and other chemicals.

On the other hand, the Consortium has played a key role in the economic and social dynamisation of the municipalities within the park. Activities for agrarian diversification and valorisation of local products have been promoted, enhancing direct sales and short distribution circuits. These actions have helped strengthen the ties between farmers and the local population, as well as increasing knowledge and appreciation of locally produced food.


Origins and consolidation of PABLL

The history of the Lower Llobregat Agrarian Park began with an initiative from the Barcelona Provincial Council, which in April 1996 proposed to the Lower Llobregat Regional Council and the Unió de Pagesos to apply for a LIFE programme call for the conservation, improvement, and economic promotion of agricultural areas in the Delta and Lower Valley of the Llobregat River. The initiative received a grant of 56 million pesetas from the European Union and culminated two years later, on June 26, 1998, with the official establishment of the consortium that would manage the agrarian park in Catalonia.

During the following two months, the PABLL continued its consolidation process, focusing on establishing its two fundamental pillars: the Special Plan, which defines the scope of action and serves as a tool for urban planning of the territory, and the Management and Development Plan (PGD), which outlines the main lines of work for the managing body. After an intense debate and the willingness to reach an agreement among the three main promoters of the agrarian park, the PDG was published in September 1998, setting the guidelines for its implementation.


The pillars of PABLL

The creation of the Lower Llobregat Agrarian Park Consortium marked a turning point in the way local governments conceive their role in the necessary change of agro-food systems, but above all, it provided tools to protect and promote the joint management of peri-urban agrarian spaces.

Specifically, the Management and Development Plan defined the park's general objective as "to consolidate and develop the territorial base and facilitate the continuity of agrarian activity by promoting specific programmes that preserve values and develop the functions of 'agrarian space within the framework of sustainable agriculture integrated into the territory and in harmony with the natural environment'. To achieve this general objective, five strategic lines were established, which are still in effect today. Firstly, it aims to achieve efficiency in the infrastructure and general services of the agrarian territory. Secondly, it promotes production and marketing systems that increase the income generated by agricultural operations. Thirdly, it encourages the implementation of services and modernisation of agricultural operations to improve their viability. Fourthly, it seeks to achieve a high-quality space integrated into the territory and in harmony with the environment. Lastly, it aims to consolidate and promote the natural and cultural heritage of the agrarian park.

These five strategic lines are developed through 17 specific objectives and 47 action measures, which gather and organise the various proposals presented in general and sectoral studies conducted prior to the creation of the agrarian park. This set of actions demonstrates the Lower Llobregat Agrarian Park's commitment to preserving agricultural heritage, promoting environmentally friendly agricultural and livestock practices, and encouraging local food production.

Over the years, the Lower Llobregat Agrarian Park has established itself as a benchmark in sustainable peri-urban agriculture, thanks to the efforts and collaboration of the various institutions and bodies involved in its creation and development. Today, the initiative continues to be strongly supported by the Barcelona Provincial Council, the Lower Llobregat County Council, the Government of Catalonia (Department for Climate Action, Food and Rural Agenda), the Metropolitan Area of Barcelona, the Union of Farmers of Catalonia and fourteen municipalities in the territory: Castelldefels, Cornellà de Llobregat, Gavà, L'Hospitalet de Llobregat, Molins de Rei, Pallejà, El Papiol, El Prat de Llobregat, Sant Boi de Llobregat, Sant Feliu de Llobregat, Sant Joan Despí, Sant Vicenç dels Horts, Santa Coloma de Cervelló, and Viladecans. It covers a total area of 3,490 hectares, representing 2% of the agricultural area in the province of Barcelona.


Network of managed agrarian spaces

The Barcelona region has nine managed agrarian spaces, six of which were created with the support of the Barcelona Provincial Council: the Lower Llobregat Agrarian Park, the Montserrat Rural Park, the Baixa Tordera Agrarian Space, the Conca d'Òdena - Mata-Valldeix Agrarian Park, and the Catalan Pre-Pyrenees Rural Park. Together, these nine managed agrarian spaces cover 106,674 hectares and provide 62 municipalities with local food.


For more information about the network of agrarian parks supported by the Barcelona Provincial Council, please contact Sònia Callau, head of the Agricultural Territorial Directorate of the Barcelona Provincial Council and coordinator of the BCN Smart Rural strategy.


— BCN Smart Rural Editorial —

Parc Agrari del Baix Llobregat. PATXI URIZ | DIPUTACIÓ DE BARCELONA

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