Livestock Farming


The president of Som Pastura and owner of a dairy goat farm in Moianès advocates for the return of herds to the forest in order to protect it.


This pioneering and innovative facility has been launched by the Diputació de Barcelona as part of the BCN Smart Rural strategy, with support from the Rural Initiatives…


The action envisages the reintroduction of livestock farming in new 160 hectares that are spread over fourteen farms in Berguedà, Moianès and Osona.


The head of the wildfire prevention strategy at the Barcelona Provincial Council talks about the importance of preserving the agroforestry mosaic to prevent forests from burning.


This StoryMaps explores the range of shared agri-food processing facilities and abattoirs in the province of Barcelona.


This StoryMap celebrates the central role of the soil resource as the fundamental foundation for food security.


Of these, five facilities have been created within the framework of the BCN Smart Rural, an intelligent agrarian development project promoted by the Barcelona Provincial Council…


Installed in a truck, it will debut in September and will serve sheep and goat farmers in Bages, Berguedà, Moianès, and Osona.


The approval of the new Common Agricultural Policy by the Ministers of Agriculture of the European Union is one of the topics highlighted in the latest BCN Smart Rural Press…