Baix Llobregat


The fair, which started in June to promote the foods of the Montserrat Rural Park, has now become the main gastronomic event in the region.


The new 'BCN Smart Rural Story' focuses on the Land Banks Network promoted by the Barcelona Provincial Council since 2018.


The Land Banks Network promoted by the Barcelona Provincial Council takes centre stage in the latest 'BCN Smart Rural Story.'


In the province of Barcelona, 15% of cultivated land is organic. On International Earth Day, we present three farmers who are convinced of the importance of practising agriculture…


A look at the state of the agroforestry mosaic in the province of Barcelona.


In the Barcelona region, only 25% of agricultural holdings are managed by women. This is a reality that needs to be transformed if we want to achieve a more sustainable, local,…


The loss of agroforestry landscape in favour of a homogenized landscape based on continuous tree masses is widespread and endangers the territory's forests.


The two responsible technicians will hold a total of fifteen information and advisory sessions to bring the project closer to the local community.


Organized by the Montserrat Rural Park Land Bank, the training has established the foundations for the attendees to begin cultivating an organic vegetable garden.