Brands and badges

Hanging tomato from Alcalà de Xivert

In order to revalue the hanging tomato, a group of farmers from Alcalà de Xivert formed the Association of Producers and Marketers of Hanging Tomatoes from Alcalà de Xivert to differentiate this high-value and traditional product. Its mission is to maintain the cultivation of this product and offer the end consumer a certified and recognized quality.

Association of Producers and Marketers of Hanging Tomatoes of Alcalà de Xivert
José Joaquín Herrera (president)
Municipality of Alcalà de Xivert and Baix Maestrat Region
Justificación y origen

Alcalà de Xivert hanging tomatoes are a unique and high-quality vegetable, a typical product of the town of Alcalà de Xivert, differentiated from other types of tomatoes by their size, skin, color, long shelf life (between four and six months) and their artisanal production method: sewn with thread and joined in a string. They are mainly used to spread on bread, eat them fried or toasted or in salads.

Until the 1950s and into the 1960s, they were only produced for their own use. It was from the 1960s, after a period of tourism boom in the area, that the hanging tomato was discovered outside the area. Since then, production for commercial use has increased and it began to be exported mainly to Catalonia, at a time when traditional agri-food products with significant ecological value began to arouse significant interest among consumers, largely due to the promotion of gastronomes and chefs who were also experiencing a boom in their activity in Spain.

In the late 1990s and into the 2000s, farmers noticed that a lot of tomatoes that were not from the area were entering the market. In general, this was a product of hybrid seed and of inferior quality. This made it difficult to compete in the market.

It was then that the need arose on the part of some producers to defend the "tomato of a lifetime." That is why they decided to create a distinctive mark that would recognize the hanging tomato.

  • Ensuring the quality mark : managing the Alcalà de Xivert tomato brand as the main identifying element of the product, key to its differentiation in the market and fundamental to its significance in communication processes.
  • Preserve, protect and promote the traditional and ecologically valuable cultivation , conservation and manipulation of the Alcalà de Xivert hanging tomato and also promote its recognition and public accreditation.
  • Preserve traditional varieties of hanging tomatoes as cultural heritage of special importance in the county of Baix Maestrat and, above all, in Alcalà de Xivert and its district.
  • Promote the Alcalà de Xivert hanging tomato in those forums and social spaces in which it can be valued, in accordance with its uniqueness and quality.
  • Expand the market, knowledge and appreciation of the hanging tomato, both in professional and domestic kitchens.
  • Commit to the brand : obtain the designation of origin for the Alcalà de Xivert hanging tomato, as recognition and accreditation not only of this product, but also of the commitment of its producers and marketers to maintain a unique and excellent product on the market.
Inspiring ideas and key issues

The self-organization of producers and marketers has allowed the creation of a quality brand that has given stability and security to the production sector.

Annual budget and origin of financial resources

There is no fixed annual budget. The Association of Producers and Marketers of Tomato from Alcalà de Xivert relies on small membership fees and some subsidies from City Council.

Periodo de ejecución
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